

齊藤 源顕  Motoaki Saito M.D., Ph.D.
TEL: 088-880-2325(内線2-2620)
e-Mail: saitomo★kochi-u.ac.jp

 所属学会: 日本薬理学会、日本臨床薬理学会、日本泌尿器科学会、日本排尿機能学会
 資格: 日本泌尿器科学会専門医・指導医、日本排尿機能学会専門医、日本性機能学会専門医

■ プロフィール
 生年月日: 昭和40年 7月 7日
 趣味: ドライブと旅行
  Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
 好きな女優: 黒木瞳

< 学歴 >
昭和59年 3月  奈良県私立東大寺学園高校卒業
昭和60年 4月  鳥取大学医学部医学科入学
平成 3年 4月  同 卒業
平成12年 2月  博士(医学)(鳥取大学)

< 職歴 >
平成 3年 5月  鳥取大学医学部附属病院泌尿器科・医員
平成 5年 3月  米国Yale 大学医学部泌尿器科・留学
平成 7年 7月  鳥取大学医学部附属病院泌尿器科・助手
平成 8年10月  米国Yale 大学医学部泌尿器科・留学終了
平成16年 1月  鳥取大学医学部附属病院泌尿器科・講師
平成16年 4月  鳥取大学医学部病態解析医学講座分子薬理学分野・講師
平成20年 4月  同 准教授
平成25年 4月  高知大学医学部薬理学講座・教授

< 受賞歴 >
平成13年  第8回日本排尿機能学会学会賞
平成18年  日の丸賞(鳥取大学科学研究業績表彰)
平成18年  第7回ギリシャアンドロロジー学会最優秀研究賞
平成21年  第98回日本泌尿器科学会総会賞
平成22年  平成21年度鳥取大学学長表彰(研究功績賞)
平成24年  International Journal of Urology Reviewer of the Year 2011
平成24年  第23回日本性機能学会学会賞
平成25年  International Journal of Urology Reviewer of the Year 2012

< 著書・欧文>
1. Saito M, Nakamura I, Nishi K, Fukumoto Y, Miyagawa I, Weiss RM, Latifpour J: Species-differences in diabetes-induced alterations of ureteral endothelin receptors (Barbalias G ed) 11th Biannual Meeting of the International Society for the Upper Urinary Tract (ISDU), pp11-15, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1996

2. Dimitriadis F, Vlachopoulou E, Gratsias S, Baltogiannis D, Giannakis D, Tsounapi P, Rimikis, M, Pardalidis N, Sofikitis N, Watanabe T, Saito M, Miyagawa I: Androgen replacement-indications and principles (Bjorndahl L, Giwercman A, Tournaye H, Weidner W eds) Clinical andrology: EAU/ESAU course guidelines, pp269-281, Informa Healthcare Inc., New York, 2010

3. Dimitriadis F, Saito M: Focus in andrology and male infertility (DeFranco JE ed) Neutrophils: lifespan, functions and roles in disease, pp1-75, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2010

4. Dimitriadis F, Saito M: Essentials of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and their roles in male infertility: “Friends or foes” (Dimitriadis F, Saito M eds) pp1-124, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2010

5. Dimitriadis F, Saito M: New insights into the pathophysiology of the testis after ischemia-reperfusion injury (Nemoto Y, Inaba N eds) Testis: anatomy, physiology and pathology, pp25-52, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2012

6. Dimitriadis F, Baltogiannis D, Koukos S, Giannakis D, Tsounapi P, Georgios S, Saito M, Takenaka A, Sofikitis N: The Role of PDE5 Inhibitors in the Treatment of Testicular Dysfunction (Bashamboo A, McElreavey KD eds) Male Infertility, pp77-106, InTech Publilshing Company, Rijeka, 2012

< 総説・欧文 >
1. Georgiou I, Syrrou M, Pardalidis N, Karakitsios K, Mantzavinos T, Giotitsas N, Loutradis D, Dimitriadis F, Saito M, Miyagawa I, Tzoumis P, Sylakos A, Kanakas N, Moustakareas T, Baltogiannis D, Touloupides S, Giannakis D, Fatouros M, Sofikitis N: Genetic and epigenetic risks of intracytoplasmic sperm injection method. Asian J Androl 8: 643-673, 2006

2. Georgiou I, Pardalidis N, Giannakis D, Saito M, Watanabe T, Tsounapi P, Loutradis D, Kanakas N, Karagiannis A, Baltogiannis D, Giotitsas N, Miyagawa I, Sofikitis N: In vitro spermatogenesis as a method to bypass pre-meiotic or post-meiotic barriers blocking the spermatogenetic process: genetic and epigenetic implications in assisted reproductive technology. Andrologia 39: 159-176, 2007

3. Dimitriadis F, Giannakis D, Pardalidis N, Zikopoulos K, Paraskevaidis E, Giotitsas N, Kalaboki V, Tsounapi P, Baltogiannis D, Georgiou I, Saito M, Watanabe T, Miyagawa I, Sofikitis N: Effects of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors on sperm parameters and fertilizing capacity. Asian J Androl 10:115-133, 2008

4. Dimitriadis F, Tsounapi P, Saito M, Watanabe T, Sylakos A, Tsabalas S, Miyagawa I, Sofikitis N: Is there a role for PDE5 inhibitors in the management of male infertility due to defects in testicular or epididymal function? Curr Pharm Des 15: 3506-3520, 2009

5. Dimitriadis F, Karakitsios K, Tsounapi P, Tsambalas S, Loutradis D, Kanakas N, Watanabe T, Saito M, Miyagawa I, Sofikitis N: Erectile function and male reproduction in men with spinal cord injury: a review. Andrologia 42: 139-165, 2010

6. Saito M, Dimitriadis F, Ohmasa F, Inoue S, Satoh K: A b3 agonist, mirabegron for the treatment of overactive bladder. UroToday Int J 4: art 70, 2011

7. Shimizu S, Martin DT, Dimitriadis F, Satoh K, Saito M: The effect of ischemic preconditioning and postconditioning on testicular torsion-detorsion injury. Global J Biochem 3: 1, 2012

8. Inoue I, Saito M, Honda M, Dimitriadis F, Takenaka A: Intravesical treatment of oxybutynin for neurogenic bladder in children. Pediatr Therapeut 2: 7, 2012

< 原著・欧文 >
1. Saito M, Nishi K, Fukumoto Y, Weiss RM, Latifpour J: Characterization of endothelin receptors in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat vas deferens. Biochem Pharmacol 52: 1593-1598, 1996

2. Saito M, Nishi K, Foster HE Jr, Weiss RM, Latifpour J: Effect of experimental diabetes on rat prostate endothelin receptors. Eur J Pharmacol 310: 197-200, 1996

3. Mutoh S, Latifpour J, Saito M, Weiss RM: Evidence for the presence of regional differences in the subtype specificity of muscarinic receptors in rabbit lower urinary tract. J Urol 157: 717-721, 1997

4. Nakamura I, Saito M, Fukumoto Y, Yoshida M, Nishi K, Weiss RM, Latifpour J: Experimental diabetes upregulates the expression of ureteral endothelin receptors. Peptides 18:1091-1093, 1997

5. Saito M, Wada K, Kamisaki Y, Miyagawa I: Effect of ischemia-reperfusion on contractile function of rat urinary bladder: possible role of nitric oxide. Life Sci 62: PL149-PL156, 1998

6. Nishi K, Latifpour J, Saito M, Foster HE Jr, Yoshida M, Weiss RM: Characterization, localization and distribution of alpha1 adrenoceptor subtype in male rabbit urethra. J Urol 160: 196-205, 1998

7. Nishi K, Wada Y, Saito M, Foster HE Jr, Weiss RM, Latifpour J: Properties of alpha-1-adrenergic receptors in the rat prostate: effect of experimental diabetes. Urol Int 61:147-153, 1998

8. Saito M, Weiss RM, Latifpour J: Effects of insulin treatment on diabetes-induced alterations in endothelin receptors in rat ureter. Int J Urol 6: 361-368, 1999

9. Saito M, Miyagawa I: Direct detection of nitric oxide in rat urinary bladder during ischemia-reperfusion. J Urol 162: 1490-1495, 1999

10. Saito M, Latifpour J, Weiss RM: Developmental aspects of endothelin receptors in rabbit lower urinary tract. Neurourol Urodyn 19: 71-85, 2000

11. Saito M, Wada Y, Ikeda K, Wang Z, Smith SD, Foster HE Jr, Nishi K, Weiss RM, Latifpour J: Gene expression, localization, and pharmacological characterization of endothelin receptors in diabetic rat bladder dome. Eur J Pharmacol 387: 253-263, 2000

12. Saito M, Miyagawa I: Real-time monitoring of nitric oxide in ischemia-reperfusion rat kidney. Urol Res 28: 141-146, 2000

13. Saito M, Wada Y, Ikeda K, Wang Z, Foster HE Jr, Smith SD, Weiss RM, Latifpour J: Expression of endothelin receptor subtypes and their messenger RNAs in diabetic rat prostate: effect of insulin treatment. Mol Cell Biochem 210: 1-12, 2000

14. Wada Y, Latifpour J, Sanematsu H, Afiatpour P, Wang Z, Saito M, Nishi K, Weiss RM: Age-related changes in contractile responses of rabbit lower urinary tract to endothelin. J Urol 164: 806-813, 2000

15. Saito M, Sakaridani N, Yamamoto Y, Miyagawa I: A simple technique to change an obstructed ureteral stent in patients with an ileal conduit. J Urol 164: 1604-1605, 2000

16. Saito M, Tabuchi F, Otsubo K, Miyagawa I: Treatment of overactive bladder with modified intravesical oxybutynin chloride. Neurourol Urodyn 19: 683-688, 2000

17. Saito M, Miyagawa I: Bladder dysfunction after acute urinary retention in rats. J Urol 165: 1745-1747, 2001

18. Wada Y, Latifpour J, Saito M, Afiatpour P, Weiss RM: Developmental changes in the biochemical and functional properties of endothelin receptors in rabbit renal pelvis. BJU Int 88: 950-959, 2001

19. Saito M, Miyagawa I: N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methylester, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, diminishes apoptosis induced by ischemia-reperfusion in the rat bladder. Neurourol Urodyn 21: 566-571, 2002

20. Saito M, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Miyagawa I: Preventive effect of long-chain fatty alcohol on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat bladder. Eur J Pharmacol 454: 81-84, 2002

21. Saito M, Tominaga L, Nanba E, Miyagawa I: Expression of heat shock protein 70 and its mRNAs during ischemia-reperfusion in the rat prostate. Eur J Pharmacol 487: 199-203, 2004

22. Saito M, Tominaga L, Nanba E, Kinoshita Y, Houri D, Miyagawa I, Satoh K: Expression of HSP 70 and its mRNAs during ischemia-reperfusion in the rat bladder. Life Sci 75: 1879-1886, 2004

23. Saito M, Watanabe T, Tabuchi F, Otsubo K, Satoh K, Miyagawa I: Urodynamic effects and safety of modified intravesical oxybutynin chloride in patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity: 3 years experience. Int J Urol 11: 592-596, 2004

24. Oki T, Kimura R, Saito M, Miyagawa I, Yamada S: Demonstration of bladder selective muscarinic receptor binding by intravesical oxybutynin to treat overactive bladder. J Urol 172: 2059-2064, 2004

25. Saito M, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Hikita K, Kobayashi N, Kinoshita Y, Houri D, Miyagawa I, Satoh K: Effect of cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol on rat overactive bladder induced by bladder neck obstruction. Eur J Pharmacol 501: 143-149, 2004

26. Shinozaki S, Saito M, Kawatani M: Loxoprofen inhibits facilitated micturition reflex induced by acetic acid urinary bladder infusion of the rats. Biomed Res 26: 29-33, 2005

27. Satoh I, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Shomori K, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Kono T, Satoh K: Effects of cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol on diabetic rat trachea. Life Sci 77: 2030-2039, 2005

28. Saito M, Kawatani M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K, Miyagawa I: Effectiveness of an anti-inflammatory drug, loxoprofen, for patients with nocturia. Int J Urol 12: 779-782, 2005

29. Suzuki H, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Kono T, Shinbori C, Anastasios S, Yamada M, Satoh K: Preventive effects of cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol on diabetic cystopathy in the rat. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 84: 195-201, 2006

30. Kinoshita Y, Saito M, Satoh I, Shomori K, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Kono T, Satoh K: General administration of cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol ameliorates hyperreactivity of STZ-induced diabetic rat aorta. Life Sci 78:1508-1514, 2006

31. Kono T, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Shinbori C, Satoh K: Real-time monitoring of nitric oxide and blood flow during ischemia-reperfusion in the rat testis. Mol Cell Biochem 286:139-145, 2006

32. Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Shinbori C, Kono T, Hanada T, Uemasu J, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Satoh K: N-hexacosanol ameliorates streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat nephropathy. Eur J Pharmacol 544: 132-137, 2006

33. Shinbori C, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Kono T, Hanada T, Nanba E, Adachi K, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Satoh K: N-hexacosanol reverses diabetic induced muscarinic hypercontractility of ileum in the rat. Eur J Pharmacol 545: 177-184, 2006

34. Hanada T, Saito M, Kanzaki S: Treatment with cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol reverses diabetes-induced tracheal dysfunction in the rat. Pharmacology 78: 51-60, 2006

35. Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Shinbori C, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Watanabe T, Satoh K: Ability of cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol to reverse diabetes-induced cystopathy in the rat. Eur Urol 51: 479-488, 2007

36. Shinbori C, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Kono T, Hanada T, Nanba E, Adachi K, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Satoh K: Cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol has therapeutic effects on diabetes- induced angiopathy in the rat aorta. Eur J Pharmacol 567: 139-144, 2007

37. Hisadome Y, Saito M, Kono T, Satoh I, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Beneficial effect of preconditioning on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat bladder in vivo. Life Sci 81: 347-352, 2007

38. Hayashi A, Saito M, Okada S, Hanada T, Watanabe T, Satoh K, Kanzaki S: Treatment with modified intravesical oxybutynin chloride for neurogenic bladder in children. J Pediatr Urol 3: 438-442, 2007

39. Narimatsu N, Saito M, Kazuyama E, Hisadome Y, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Okada S, Suzuki H, Yamada M, Satoh K: N-hexacosanol prevents diabetes-induced rat ileal dysfunction without qualitative alteration of the muscarinic receptor system. Biomed Res 28: 267-273, 2007

40. Kazuyama E, Saito M, Okada S, Satoh K: Ability of cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol to ameliorate diabetes-induced cystopathy in the rat. Pharmacology 81:137-143, 2008

41. Kono T, Okada S, Saito M: Neutrophil elastase inhibitor, sivelestat sodium hydrate prevents ischemia- reperfusion injury in the rat bladder. Mol Cell Biochem 311: 87-92, 2008

42. Shinbori C, Shirayama Y, Mitani H, Saito M, Satoh K: Effects of cyclohexanonic long-chain fatty alcohol, tCFA15 on amino acids in diabetic rat brain: a preliminary study. Neurochem Res 33: 1189-1195, 2008

43. Okada S, Saito M, Kazuyama E, Hanada T, Kawaba Y, Hayashi A, Satoh K, Kanzaki S: Effects of N-hexacosanol on nitric oxide synthase system in diabetic rat nephropathy. Mol Cell Biochem 315: 169-177, 2008

44. Saito M, Okada S, Kazuyama E, Satoh I, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Pharmacological properties, functional alterations and gene expression of muscarinic receptors in young and old type 2 Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rat bladders. J Urol 180: 2701-2705, 2008

45. Shimizu S, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Kazuyama E, Tamamura M, Satoh I, Satoh K: Acute urinary retention and subsequent catheterization cause lipid peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage in the bladder: preventive effect of edaravone, a free- radical scavenger. BJU Int 104: 713-717, 2009

46. Dimitriadis F, Giannakis D, Giotitsas N, Parldalidis N, Baltogiannis D, Saito M, Watanabe T, Gratsias S, Zikopoulos K, Pashopoulos M, Tsambalas S, Kalaboki V, Tsounapi P, Vlachopoulou E, Gekas A, Melekos M, Makridimas G, Dalkalitsis N, Georgiou I, Agapitos E, Loutradis D, Kanakas N, Miyagawa I, Sofikitis N: Post-fertilization effects of chronic renal failure in male rats. Int J Androl 32: 675-686, 2009

47. Okada S, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Kazuyama E, Hayashi A, Satoh K, Kanzaki S: Characterization of the ileal muscarinic receptor system in 70-week-old type II Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rats; effects of cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol. Eur J Pharmacol 611: 72-76, 2009

48. Shimizu S, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Shomori K, Satoh I, Satoh K: Ischemic preconditioning and post-conditioning to decrease testicular torsion- detorsion injury. J Urol 182: 1637-1643, 2009

49. Dimitriadis F, Giannakis D, Pardalidis N, Tsoukanelis K, Kanakas N, Saito M, Watanabe T, Miyagawa I, Tsounapi P, Sofikitis N: Effects of primary testicular damage on sperm DNA oxidative status and embryonic and foetal development. Andrologia 41: 282-296, 2009

50. Kazuyama E, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Dimitriadis F, Satoh K: Endothelial dysfunction in the early- and late-stage type-2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rat aorta. Mol Cell Biochem 332: 95-102, 2009

51. Masago T, Watanabe T, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K, Miyagawa I: Effect of the rho-kinase inhibitor hydroxyfasudil on bladder overactivity: an experimental rat model. Int J Urol 16: 842-847, 2009

52. Tamamura M, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Shimizu S, Satoh I, Shomori K, Dimitriadis F, Satoh K: Protective effect of edaravone, a free-radical scavenger, on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat testis. BJU Int 105: 870-876, 2010

53. Saito M, Shimizu S, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Shomori K, Dimitriadis F, Satoh K: Bladder dysfunction after acute urinary retention in the rats: a novel over active bladder model. Mol Cell Biochem 333: 109-114, 2010

54. Dimitriadis F, Tsambalas S, Tsounapi P, Kawamura H, Vlachopoulou E, Haliasos N, Gratsias S, Watanabe T, Saito M, Miyagawa I, Sofikitis N: Effects of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors on Leydig cell secretory function in oligoasthenospermic infertile men: a randomized trial. BJU Int 106: 1181-1185, 2010

55. Miyagawa I, Watanabe T, Isoyama T, Honda M, Kobayashi N, Hikita K, Saito M, Hirakawa S: Experience with injections of botulinum toxin type A into the detrusor muscle. Aktuelle Urol 41: S24-S26, 2010

56. Ohmasa F, Saito M, Shimizu S, Taniguchi S, Dimitriadis F, Satoh I, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: The role of ATP-sensitive potassium channel on acute urinary retention and subsequent catheterization in the rat. Eur J Pharmacol 635: 194-197, 2010

57. Saito M, Kazuyama E, Shimizu S, Dimitriadis F, Kinoshita Y, Masuda E, Yamada S, Satoh K: Muscarinic receptors and their mRNAs in type 2 Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rat prostate. Prostate 70: 1533-1539, 2010

58. Okada S, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Satoh I, Kawaba Y, Hayashi A, Oite T, Satoh K, Kanzaki S: Effects of cyclohexenonic long-chain fatty alcohol in type 2 diabetic rat nephropathy. Biomed Res 31: 219-230, 2010

59. Tsounapi P, Saito M, Dimitriadis F, Shimizu S, Kinoshita Y, Shomori K, Satoh I, Satoh K: Protective effect of sivelestat, a neutrophil elastase inhibitor, on ipsilateral and contralateral testes after unilateral testicular ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats. BJU Int 107: 329-336, 2011

60. Shimizu S, Saito M, Dimitriadis F, Kinoshita Y, Shomori K, Satoh I, Satoh K: Protective effect of ischaemic post-conditioning on ipsilateral and contralateral testes after unilateral testicular ischaemia-reperfusion injury. Int J Androl 34: 268-275, 2011

61. Shimizu S, Saito M, Kinoshita Y, Ohmasa F, Dimitriadis F, Shomori K, Hayashi A, Satoh K: Nicorandil ameliorates ischaemia-reperfusion injury in the rat kidney. Br J Pharmacol 163: 272-282, 2011

62. Ikubo N, Saito M, Tsounapi P, Dimitriadis F, Ohmasa F, Inoue S, Shimizu S, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Protective effect of taurine on diabetic rat endothelial dysfunction. Biomed Res 32: 187-193, 2011

63. Saito M, Ohmasa F, Tsounapi P, Inoue S, Kinoshita Y, Dimitriadis F, Satoh K: Real-time monitoring of blood flow and intravesical pressure in the rat bladder. LUTS 3: 76-78, 2011

64. Ohmasa F, Saito M, Tsounapi P, Dimitriadis F, Inoue S, Shomori K, Shimizu S, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Edaravone ameliorates diabetes-induced dysfunction of NO-induced relaxation in corpus cavernosum smooth muscle in the rat. J Sex Med 8: 1638-1649, 2011

65. Tanaka K, Yamamoto Y, Ogino K, Tujimoto S, Saito M, Uozumi N, Shimizu T, Hisatome I: Cytosolic phospholipase A2alpha contributes to blood pressure increases and endothelial dysfunction under chronic NO inhibition. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 31: 1133-1138, 2011

66. Saito M, Ohmasa F, Shomori K, Dimitriadis F, Ohiwa H, Shimizu S, Tsounapi P, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Rhos and Rho kinases in the rat prostate: their possible functional roles and distributions. Mol Cell Biochem 358: 207-213, 2011

67. Dimitriadis F, Tsampalas S, Tsounapi P, Giannakis D, Chaliasos N, Baltogiannis D, Miyagawa I, Saito M, Takenaka A, Sofikitis N: Effects of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor vardenafil on testicular androgen-binding protein secretion, the maintenance of foci of advanced spermatogenesis and the sperm fertilising capacity in azoospermic men. Andrologia 44 Suppl 1:144-153, 2012

68. Saito M, Ohmasa F, Tsounapi P, Inoue S, Dimitriadis F, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Nicorandil ameliorates hypertension-related bladder dysfunction in the rat. Neurourol Urodyn 31; 695-701, 2012

69. Sejima T, Iwamoto H, Morizane S, Hinata N, Yao A, Isoyama T, Saito M, Takenaka A: The significant immunological characteristics of peripheral blood neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and Fas ligand expression incidence in nephrectomized tumor in late recurrence from renal cell carcinoma. Urol Oncol Available Online 2011 Dec 6

70. Inoue S, Saito M, Tsounapi P, Dimitriadis F, Ohmasa F, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K, Takenaka A: Effect of silodosin on detrusor overactivity in the male spontaneously hypertensive rat. BJU Int 110 (2 Pt B): E118-24, 2012

71. Sejima T, Morizane S, Hinata N, Yao A, Isoyama T, Saito M, Takenaka A: Fas expression in renal cell carcinoma accurately predicts patient survival after radical nephrectomy. Urol Int 88: 263-270, 2012

72. Ohmasa F, Saito M, Ohiwa H, Tsounapi P, Shomori K, Kitatani K, Dimitriadis F, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Pharmacological preconditioning of ATP-sensitive potassium channel openers on acute urinary retention induced bladder dysfunction in the rat. BJU Int 110(6 Pt B):E245-52, 2012

73. Inoue S, Saito M, Takenaka A: Hydroxyfasudil ameliorates bladder dysfunction in the male spontaneously hypertensive rat. Urology 79:1186. e9-14, 2012 74. Tsounapi P, Saito M, Dimitriadis F, Kitatani K, Kinoshita Y, Shomori K, Takenaka A, Satoh K: The role of K(ATP) channels on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat testis. Life Sci 90: 649-656, 2012

75. Sejima T, Iwamoto H, Morizane S, Hinata N, Yao A, Isoyama T, Saito M, Amisaki T, Takenaka A: Fas expression in nephrectomized, non-cancerous specimens predicts post-nephrectomy chronic kidney disease progression in patients with renal and upper urinary tract malignancies. Urol Oncol Available Online, 2012 May 14

76. Saito M, Ohmasa F, Dimitriadis F, Tsounapi P, Sejima T, Shimizu S, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Hydroxyfasudil ameliorates penile dysfunction in the male spontaneously hypertensive rat. Pharmacol Res 66: 325-331, 2012

77. Tsounapi P, Saito M, Dimitriadis F, Koukos S, Shimizu S, Satoh K, Takenaka A, Sofikitis N: Antioxidant treatment with edaravone or taurine ameliorates diabetes-induced testicular dysfunction in the rat. Mol Cell Biochem 369: 195-204, 2012

78. Tsounapi P, Saito M, Kitatani K, Dimitriadis F, Ohmasa F, Shimizu S, Kinoshita Y, Takenaka A, Satoh K: Fasudil improves the endothelial dysfunction in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Eur J Pharmacol 691: 182-189, 2012

79. Saito M, Shimizu S, Ohmasa F, Oikawa R, Tsounapi P, Dimitriadis F, Kinoshita Y, Satoh K: Characterization of silodosin and naftopidil in the treatment of bladder dysfunction in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Neurourol Urodyn Available Online, 2012 August 20

80. Sejima T, Iwamoto H, Masago T, Morizane S, Hinata N, Yao A, Isoyama T, Saito M, Takenaka A: The comprehensive prognostic indicators with oncological and renal functional outcome in renal cell carcinoma patients after radical nephrectomy. Int J Urol Available Online, 2012 Sep 25

81. Honda M, Yoshimura N, Hikita K, HinataN, Muraoka K, Saito M, Chancellar MB, Takeneka A. Supraspinal and spinal effects of L-trans-PDC, an inhibitor of glutamate transporter, on the micturition reflex in rats. Neurourol Urodyn Available Online, 2012 August 20

82. Sejima T, Morizane S, Yao A, Isoyama T, Saito M, Amisaki T, Koumi T, Takenaka A: The prognostic impact of pre-operative hematological disorders and a risk stratification model in bladder cancer patients treated with radical cystectomy. Int J Urol In press

83. Shimizu S, Saito M, Oiwa H, Ohmasa F, Tsounapi P, Oikawa R, Dimitriadis F, Satoh I, Kinoshita Y, Tomita S: Olmesartan ameliorates urinary dysfunction in the spontaneously hypertensive rat via recovering bladder blood flow and decreasing oxidative stress. Neurourol Urodyn In press

< 症例報告・欧文 >
1. Saito M, Miyagawa I, Nakamura I, Nemoto R: Renal cell carcinoma associated with hypercalcaemia. Br J Urol 78: 135, 1996

2. Saito M, Ishida G, Watanabe N, Abe B: Micturitional disturbances due to labial adhesion. Urol Int 61:50-51, 1998

3. Saito M, Watanabe N, Abe B, Matsui A: Inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder and sigmoid colon. Urol Int 62: 119-121, 1999

4. Saito M, Miyagawa I: Bladder dysfunction due to Behcet’s disease. Urol Int 65: 40-42, 2000

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