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  • Hospital Admission Guide

Hospital Admission Guide

For patients being admitted to hospital

1. Admission procedure

Day of admission

If an admission time has been specified by telephone, please arrive at that time.

Go to Admission/Discharge Window No. 1.

Before going to the ward, please present the necessary documentation at Admission/Discharge Window No. 1 and complete the admission procedure.

Documents required for the admission procedure

  • Hospital Admission Form
  • Admission Pledge (cosigned by the guarantor)
  • Insurance Card
  • Patient ID Card
  • General Consent Form
  • Details of medication (It is essential to inform us what medication you are currently taking.)

2. What to bring with you

Please prepare the following daily necessities for your stay in hospital.

▼ A change of clothes

  • Nightclothes: These can be provided by the hospital
  • Underwear

▼ Toiletries

  • Washbowl
  • Shampoo
  • Razor
  • Toothbrush
  • Towel
  • Comb
  • Soap
  • Bath towel

▼ Eating utensils

  • Chopsticks
  • Spoon
  • Teacup, etc.

▼ Others

  • Paper tissues
  • Clothes hangers
  • Personal seal
  • Comfortable shoes (no sandals or slippers please)

3. Your stay in hospital


In principle, it is not necessary for a relative or other person to accompany you at the hospital.However, you may be accompanied by a family member depending on the nature of your condition.
If you wish to have someone accompany you, please ask the doctor or nurse.Persons accompanying patients must make their own arrangements for meals.


Visiting hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

4. Parking for patients staying in hospital

Where possible, patients are requested not to use the hospital car park while staying in hospital.

5. Guide to hospital facilities

6. Floor guide

7. Transport guide