




Outline for Scholarship Program 2024

For all applicants (including Taiwanese)

Kochi University provides the scholarship program. In particular, we welcome students interested in regional revitalization and work in Japan.
This program covers doctoral programs from April 2024 to March 2027.

Scholarship for International Ph.D. Student on Kuroshio Science

For all applicants (except Taiwanese)

MEXT provides the scholarship program.
In this program, the applicant and supervisor select two options: 1. "doctoral programs from October 2024 to September 2027" or 2. "non-regular student from October 2024 to March 2025" & "doctoral programs from April 2025 to March 2028".

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for 2024 Research Students

For the Filipino applicants

This scholarship program only for the Filipinos was approved by MEXT
There is only one option: it's from October 2024 to September 2027".

Leader Nurturing Program to Contribute to the Glocal Growth Strategy in Kuroshio Region

Exemption of Entrance Fee & Tuition Fee

Kochi University has waived the entrance fee for doctoral students since the academic year 2022.
In addition, tuition fee are also substantially free for international students


Philosophy and Aim of Kuroshio Science Program

The Kuroshio current moves northward from the eastern part of Luzon Island in the Philippines, flows eastward along the Pacific coast in the southwestern part of Japan, and its follow-on current far from the mainland from the northern part of Boso peninsula, Chiba, Japan is one of the largest warm currents in the world that reaches the eastern part of the Hawaiian Islands. In a wide range of areas and waters (Kuroshio area) from South-east Asian countries to East Asia and Japan, or from coastal areas to river basins to mountains (watershed area), it has various effects on the people and organisms living there.

The Kuroshio Science program (Ph.D. course) integrates various specialized fields related to resources, environment, society, health medical science, food and nursing in the Kuroshio area, and considers problems to be solved, comprehensively and interdisciplinarily Our main philosophy is to educate as "Kuroshio Area Science". In particular, the purpose is to conduct basic and applied research related to the construction of a sustainable society in harmony with the natural environment in the Kuroshio region countries, and to disseminate information both domestically and internationally.

From October 2023, we will establish the "Leader Nurturing Program to Contribute to the Glocal Growth Strategy in Kuroshio Region". In this program, students learns about ecosystem and community research, coastal resource analysis, resource utilization and return to society in the field of the Kuroshio coastal area.


Admission Policy

Based on the principle and the purpose described above, the Kuroshio Science Doctoral Course accepts students who

  • have an awareness of or strong interests in the establishment of a sustainable society harmonized with the natural environment and
  • are able to accomplish a doctoral thesis by conducting basic or applied studies, or field or regional studies, from the following standpoints

1. A multidisciplinary viewpoint that merges multiple fields:

2. An international viewpoint that leads to a proper understanding of the diversity of the natural environment, culture and social structure:

3. Future vision of a sustainable society that harmonizes with the natural environment.


Fields of Instruction and Professors

The principal objective of the comprehensive, interdisciplinary Kuroshio Science course is the education through integrating and providing an overall perspective of a number of specialist fields. The course focuses on resources, environment and society, medical health science, food and nursing pertaining to the extensive regions and marine areas (hereinafter, Kuroshio Region) extending from the countries of Southeast Asia to Northeast Asia and Japan. Kuroshio Science aspires to promote education and capable people in the following ways.

  • To train researchers and educators to possess a high level of expertise in their respective fields as well as knowledge of and perspective on different fields
  • To train new types of researchers and educators who gain an understanding of the new concept that is Kuroshio Science and possess a broad global perspective
  • To provide capable people who lay a foundation based on Kuroshio Science with a broad global perspective, as well as who can play an active part in regional industry and the business community
  • To implement the fine tuning of education through challenging research and education for active members of society at all levels

In order to realize the objectives for education and research, Kuroshio Science course is composed of academic members with a variety of research fields, as listed below.


Area of Research

researchmap / E-mail


Research on Local histories and role of Forestry in Japan and Taiwan.

akaike at kochi-u.ac.jp

HIGA Motoki

Ecological studies of species distribution modeling and biodiversity conservation.

mhiga at kochi-u.ac.jp

HIRAOKA Masanori

Reproductive physiology, ecology and taxonomy of seaweeds in the coastal area of the Kuroshio region.

mhiraoka at kochi-u.ac.jp


Research on socioeconomics and fisheries management systems in small-scale fisheries of Southeast Asia.

mina at kochi-u.ac.jp


Symbiotic ecology of marine benthos.

itani at kochi-u.ac.jp

KATO Motomi

Theoretical studies on animal ecology and life science in the Kuroshio region.

genkai at kochi-u.ac.jp


Population biological studies on cetaceans, especially for Bryde's whales and dolphins distributed in the Tosa Bayand its surrounding regions.

kishiro at affrc.go.jp

KUBOTA Satoshi

Food Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics of Marine Invertebrates and Fishes.

kubota at kochi-u.ac.jp


Ecology and evolution of intertidal and freshwater organisms.

miurao at kochi-u.ac.jp


Study of geoscience on the ocean floor- Undersea resources, Paleoenvironments and Pollutions-.

murayama at kochi-u.ac.jp


Exploration of undiscovered life in deep biosphere, physiology, genetics, and mechanism of extreme survival

morono at jamstec.go.jp


Elucidation of roles of viruses (=illumination of their "raison d'?tre") in marine ecosystems. Exploration and characterization of unknown marine viruses.

nagasaki at kochi-u.ac.jp


Ecology of fish in the coastal area of the Kuroshio region.

ynakamura at kochi-u.ac.jp

NANBA Takushi

Drug discovery and research on cell signaling.

t-namba at kochi-u.ac.jp

NISHIO Yoshiro

Isotope geochemical research on geofluid involved with earthquake and volcanic activities and formation of mineral resources.

yoshiro at kochi-u.ac.jp


Biosphere-environment interactions recorded in carbonate sediments.

tomoyook at kochi-u.ac.jp

OSHIMA Syun-Ichirou

Understanding the role of RNA or DNA virus genes and their involvement both in viral replication and in the disease process. The goal of our research is to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling virus gene expression in the host cell.

s-oshima at kochi-u.ac.jp

SAKATA Mitsukazu

Research on utilization of rice genetic resources.
Genetic and breeding studies on the tissue structure of brown rice.

msakata at kochi-u.ac.jp


Understanding of the relationship among molecular-biological properties.

tetsuya.sakurai at kochi-u.ac.jp

SATAKE Yasukazu

Geographical research on the relationship between economic activities and transportation/communication infrastructure in remote areas.

satake at kochi-u.ac.jp

SHINBO Teruyuki

Economic approaches toward optimal use of local resources and environment in the Kuroshio region: Economic evaluation and policy analysis for environment.

shinbo at kochi-u.ac.jp


Evaluation of farmlands and forests in upland and mountainous areas with special reference to soil environments and ecosystems.

sotatnk at kochi-u.ac.jp


Utilization of microbes including their genetic resources.

maki.teramoto at kochi-u.ac.jp


Research on natural products and their role in microbial chemical communication.

ulanova at kochi-u.ac.jp


Sedimentology of formative processes of deep-sea deposits. Geology of mineral resources in deep-sea and subseafloor environment.

uramoto.go at kochi-u.ac.jp

YAMADA Kazuhiko

Physical property analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and the development of NMR methodology.

kyamada at kochi-u.ac.jp


Research on variation of ocean surface current.

yoritaka at kochi-u.ac.jp

YUKI Atsumu

Research on extending healthy life span.
Research on prevention of lifestyle-related diseases.

atsuyuki at kochi-u.ac.jp


Scholarship for International Ph.D. Student on Kuroshio Science

Kochi University has waived the entrance fee for doctoral students since the academic year 2022.
In addition, tuition fee are also substantially free for international students

Application Guideline for Scholarship Program

<<Application Guideline (Scholarship for International Ph.D. Student on Kuroshio Science)>> New!
Deadline of Application form : 10th(Fri), January, 2025
*"Applicant's Prospective Academic Adviser (see next section) Form" must be submitted until 20th(Fri), December, 2024

Purpose and Eligibility

Kochi University provides this scholarship for international students who are privately funded and have been admitted to the Kuroshio Science Program (doctoral course). The scholarship provides financial support for the period from entrance to completion of the program (three years). It aims to promote the recruitment of outstanding international students who will serve as bridges between Kochi University and their own countries after completion.

Schedule for Application

1. Check Prospective Supervisor (see "Fields of Instruction and Professors")

2. Submit a letter of recommendation written by the supervisor of applicant’s home university. *address to the President of Kochi University

  *Supervisor submits "Application Form" in Japanese to Kuroshio Science office, Kochi University

3. Apply Kuroshio Science Program (Ph.D) *Start of Academic Year: April 1, 2025

  *From this year, no examination fee is required for applicants applying for the entrance examination of fee-paying foreign students in the doctoral course.

Application Guideline for Kuroshio Science Program

A. Application Guideline

Application for Kuroshio Science (Ph.D. course) Apr. 2025
 Deadline of Applicant's Prospective Academic Adviser Form (.docx): 20th(Fri), December, 2024

B. Application Documents (Deadline of Application form: 10th(Fri), January, 2025)

1. Application Form (.docx)

2. Curriculum Vitae (.docx)

3. Entrance Examination Ticket, Photograph Card, Payment Certificate, Address Card (.xlsx)

4. Research Performance (.docx)

5. Research Proposal (.docx)

6. Cover Address of Envelope (.pdf)

7. Check List of Documents to be Submitted (.pdf)


Leader Nurturing Program to Contribute to the Glocal Growth Strategy in Kuroshio Region

The application for 2024 has already opened.
The submission deadline has been extended to Monday, February 5.


The program is designed to nurture doctoral course students from Kuroshio region countries to be highly specialized knowledgeable leaders who will contribute to a glocal growth strategy to lead the construction of sustainable local communities in harmony with human society and the environment.

Guideline for applicants

1. Number of students

Doctoral course 3 students

2. Contacts with the Prospective Supervisor

All applicants must have an interview with the prospective supervisor to discuss the study program for his/her thesis. If a direct interview is not possible, the interview can be conducted via e-mail.

3. Qualifications and Requirements

In case of failure to arrive, no payment will be made to cover the journey to Japan.

1. Nationality: The Philippines

2. Age: Applicant should be under 35 years old at April 1, 2024 (those born on or after April 2, 1989).

3. Academic Background: All applicants must have 2.30 or more out of 3.0 in GPA score.

1) A person who has or will have a master’s degree or the equivalent by the end of September 2024.

2) A person who satisfies the conditions require by the Notification No.118, the Minister of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology (dated 1 September 1989). A person qualifies when after graduating from a university or completing 16 years of schooling outside of Japan has then engaged in research at a university or laboratory for more than two years, and based on the results of this research is thus recognized by this University as equivalent to or surpassing the academic level of a master’s degree.

3) A person who is 24 years of age or older, and who is considered to be equivalent to or surpassing the academic level of the Master’s Course of this University.

4. Health: the applicant should be in sufficiently good mental and physical health for university study and research.

5. Language: those who can speak, read and write well in English.

6. Arrival in Japan: Successful applicants should be able to arrive in Japan between the end of September and the begging of October, 2024

7. Remarks: The followings are not eligible.

1) Military personnel and civilian employees in the armed forces.

2) Applications will not be accepted from those who cannot arrive in Japan between the dates specified in (6) above.

3) Recipients of scholarships or fellowships from other sources.

4) Applications will not be accepted from those who have simultaneously submitted applications to other universities, Japanese Embassies, or the International Association of Education, which issues a short-term scholarship.

5) Those who have received a Japanese government scholarship within the past three years are not eligible.

6) Those who have already registered for a university in Japan as a private student.

7) Admission will be canceled if successful applicants do not gain a master's or equivalent degree by the end of September 2024.

4. Duration of Scholarship

Three years as a foreign student beginning October 2024 to September 2027.

5. Scholarship Benefits

Note 1: When arriving and returning home, you must pay the travel fare between the university you attend and the international airport in Japan.

Note 2: Insurance covering your trips to and from Japan will not be provided.

Note 3: When arriving and returning home, the nearest international airport must be used in the nation where you have your nationality.

1. Scholarship payments: The monthly allowance is 145,000 yen for 3 years (subject to change, however, depending upon the annual budget of each year).

2. School fees: All school fees, i.e. entrance examination, registration and tuition, shall be exempted.

3. Travel Expenses:

1) Transportation to Japan: Each grantee will be provided with an economy class air ticket by the Minister of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), from the international airport closest to his/her place of residence to the international airport designated by the university of the grantee.

2) Transportation from Japan: The grantee who returns to his/her home country within the last-payment month of his/her scholarship will be provided, upon application, with an economy class air ticket for a flight from the international airport designated by the university of the grantee to the international airport closest to his/her place of return.

6. Date of Enrollment

October 2024

7. Application Procedure

The documents must be submitted by Monday, February 5 (extended!) Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (JST), and any application received after this date will not be accepted.

"Inquiry and Submission Address" is Kuroshio Science office, Kochi University (E-mail: km14@kochi-u.ac.jp)

Note 1: Applicants should send all documents in the form of pdf via e-mail to applicant’s prospective supervisor and Kuroshio Science office by Monday, February 5 Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (JST). The e-mail address of your prospective supervisor can be found in the pages of "Field of Instructions and Professors".

Documents to be submitted

1. Application form (Form for 2024) : updated [28,Nov,2023])

2. Field of study and study program (Form for 2024) : updated [28,Nov,2023])

3. Photograph

4. Recommendation

5. Certificate of nationality

6. Official transcripts of academic record

7. Official proof of master’s degree

8. Official certificate of graduation from university and official academic transcript

9. Master’s thesis and summary

10. List of publications (books and academic papers) with their reprints

11. List of conference & symposium presentations

12. Pledge

13. Certificate of research activities

14. Certificate of English Language Proficiency
*TOEFL and IELTS score is available instead of the certificate


* Applicants who comply with the conditions stated in 3-3-2 or 3-3-3 should confirm the documents that are necessary for application before submitting them.

1. All forms must be filled out in English using a typewriter or word processor.

2. Submitted documents and forms will not be returned.

3. Incomplete documents or documents arriving at each university after the deadline will not be accepted.

4. If the application forms change or are updated, the university will send the new forms. Applicants must submit the new forms.


8. Selection and Notification of Acceptance

1. Kochi University will select its candidates by means of the submitted documents and recommend him/her to the Minister of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology.

2. Those awarded a scholarship by the Minister of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) will receive notification from Kochi University in mid-July, 2024.

3. You cannot refuse the scholarship once you have accepted it.

9. Remarks

The scholarship will be revoked in the following cases:

1. False statements on the documents

2. Violation of the pledge

3. Violation of school regulations, and/or no evidence of academic achievement

10. Inquiries and the mailing address

If you have any questions concerning the application or admissions, please contact:

Kuroshio Science office, Kochi University
200 Monobe-Otsu, Nankoku-shi, Kochi 783-8502, JAPAN
E-mail: km14 at kochi-u.ac.jp (Kuroshio Science office, Kochi University)
Fax: +81-88-864-5134 (81 indicates Japan's international code number)


Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for 2024 Research Students

The application for 2024 has already opened.


This program is designed for those enrolled in graduate school as "1. regular students" or those conducting research in a specialized field at graduate school as "2. non-regular students" to enter a regular program by MEXT.

Guideline for applicants

1. Number of students

Doctoral course 1 students (can be recommended to MEXT)

2. Contacts with the Prospective Supervisor

All applicants must have an interview with the prospective supervisor to discuss the study program for his/her thesis. If a direct interview is not possible, the interview can be conducted via e-mail.

3. Qualifications and Requirements

In case of failure to arrive, no payment will be made to cover the journey to Japan.

1. Nationality: All that have diplomatic relations with Japan.

2. Age: Applicant should be under 35 years old at April 1, 2024 (those born on or after April 2, 1989).

3. Academic Background: All applicants must have 2.30 or more out of 3.0 in GPA score.

1) A person who has or will have a master’s degree or the equivalent by the end of September 2024.

2) A person who satisfies the conditions require by the Notification No.118, the Minister of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology (dated 1 September 1989). A person qualifies when after graduating from a university or completing 16 years of schooling outside of Japan has then engaged in research at a university or laboratory for more than two years, and based on the results of this research is thus recognized by this University as equivalent to or surpassing the academic level of a master’s degree.

3) A person who is 24 years of age or older, and who is considered to be equivalent to or surpassing the academic level of the Master’s Course of this University.

4. Health: the applicant should be in sufficiently good mental and physical health for university study and research.

5. Language: those who can speak, read and write well in English.

6. Arrival in Japan: Successful applicants should be able to arrive in Japan between the end of September and the begging of October, 2024

7. Remarks: The followings are not eligible.

1) Military personnel and civilian employees in the armed forces.

2) Applications will not be accepted from those who cannot arrive in Japan between the dates specified in (6) above.

3) Recipients of scholarships or fellowships from other sources.

4) Applications will not be accepted from those who have simultaneously submitted applications to other universities, Japanese Embassies, or the International Association of Education, which issues a short-term scholarship.

5) Those who have received a Japanese government scholarship within the past three years are not eligible.

6) Those who have already registered for a university in Japan as a private student.

7) Admission will be canceled if successful applicants do not gain a master's or equivalent degree by the end of September 2024.

4. Duration of Scholarship

1. regular student: between October 2024 and September 2027.

2. non-regular student: between October 2024 and March 2025 (and will be recommended as regular student in doctoral course between April 2025 and March 2028).

5. Scholarship Benefits

Note 1: When arriving and returning home, you must pay the travel fare between the university you attend and the international airport in Japan.

Note 2: Insurance covering your trips to and from Japan will not be provided.

Note 3: When arriving and returning home, the nearest international airport must be used in the nation where you have your nationality.

1. Scholarship payments: The monthly allowance is 145,000 yen for 3 years (subject to change, however, depending upon the annual budget of each year).

2. School fees: All school fees, i.e. entrance examination, registration and tuition, shall be exempted.

3. Travel Expenses:

1) Transportation to Japan: Each grantee will be provided with an economy class air ticket by the Minister of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), from the international airport closest to his/her place of residence to the international airport designated by the university of the grantee.

2) Transportation from Japan: The grantee who returns to his/her home country within the last-payment month of his/her scholarship will be provided, upon application, with an economy class air ticket for a flight from the international airport designated by the university of the grantee to the international airport closest to his/her place of return.

6. Date of Enrollment

October 2024

7. Application Procedure

The documents must be submitted by Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (JST), and any application received after this date will not be accepted.

"Inquiry and Submission Address" is Kuroshio Science office, Kochi University (E-mail: km14@kochi-u.ac.jp)

Note 1: Applicants should send all documents in the form of pdf via e-mail to applicant’s prospective supervisor and Kuroshio Science office by Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (JST). The e-mail address of your prospective supervisor can be found in the pages of "Field of Instructions and Professors".

Documents to be submitted

1. Application form (Form for 2024) : updated [28,Nov,2023])

2. Field of study and study program (Form for 2024) : updated [28,Nov,2023])

3. Photograph

4. Recommendation

5. Certificate of nationality

6. Official transcripts of academic record

7. Official proof of master’s degree

8. Official certificate of graduation from university and official academic transcript

9. Master’s thesis and summary

10. List of publications (books and academic papers) with their reprints

11. List of conference & symposium presentations

12. Pledge

13. Certificate of research activities

14. Certificate of English Language Proficiency
*TOEFL and IELTS score is available instead of the certificate


* Applicants who comply with the conditions stated in 3-3-2 or 3-3-3 should confirm the documents that are necessary for application before submitting them.

1. All forms must be filled out in English using a typewriter or word processor.

2. Submitted documents and forms will not be returned.

3. Incomplete documents or documents arriving at each university after the deadline will not be accepted.

4. If the application forms change or are updated, the university will send the new forms. Applicants must submit the new forms.


8. Selection and Notification of Acceptance

1. Kochi University will select its candidates by means of the submitted documents and recommend him/her to the Minister of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology.

2. Those awarded a scholarship by the Minister of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) will receive notification from Kochi University in mid-July, 2024.

3. You cannot refuse the scholarship once you have accepted it.

9. Remarks

The scholarship will be revoked in the following cases:

1. False statements on the documents

2. Violation of the pledge

3. Violation of school regulations, and/or no evidence of academic achievement

10. Inquiries and the mailing address

If you have any questions concerning the application or admissions, please contact:

Kuroshio Science office, Kochi University
200 Monobe-Otsu, Nankoku-shi, Kochi 783-8502, JAPAN
E-mail: km14 at kochi-u.ac.jp (Kuroshio Science office, Kochi University)
Fax: +81-88-864-5134 (81 indicates Japan's international code number)


Marine Core Research Institute Research Fellowship for Doctoral Students (MaCRI-RFD)

Guideline of the Fellowship


Program of "Leader Nurturing Program to Create Sustainable Regional Society in Kuroshio Region"

Application for 3rd (final) batch has already closed.


This program develops students who have the skills to promote interdisciplinary research and insights into the local community, and are capable of balancing and driving environmental conservation and local community development based on advanced expertise. The purpose of this program is to produce such human resources to each country as leaders of “environment-humanity harmony” who will lead the creation of a sustainable society that harmonizes human society and the environment.


Program of "Nurturing Talented People to Establish a Sustainable Society in the Kuroshio Region"

Final batch students graduated on Sept., 2021


To maintain our country’s biological resources in a sustainable condition, it is necessary to manage the biological resources and environment in the upstream area of the Kuroshio region. The purpose of this program is to nurture talented people who are capable of developing sustainable management of the Kuroshio environments and ecosystem through the exploration of indigenous biological resources and their effective usage, such as edible algae that have benefits to human health. This program aims to develop students who can contribute to the sustainable maintenance of biological resources of the coastal areas in the Kuroshio region, such as the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan as well as other countries.

In addition to our admission policy, we welcome students who are interested in the following subjects:

  • Studies of coastal resources and environmental management
  • Economic study of the regional environment
  • Studies on algae, fish, plankton, benthos, coral cells, viruses, etc. in the ocean ecosystem
  • Studies of food science & nutrition
  • Studies of environment & health science



This program consists of five subprograms supervised with the collaboration of professors majoring in various study fields of social and natural sciences:

1. Socio-economic survey methods:

Conduct economic surveys of the local communities in the Kuroshio region

sub program1-1
sub program1-2

2. Ecological and environmental survey methods:

Study the ecosystem and environment of the Kuroshio region.

sub program2-1
sub program2-2

3. Analysis of function of algae on human health:

Learn the methodology of the functional analyses of algae on human health.

sub program3-1
sub program3-2

4. Development of algae food processing:

Learn food-processing methods and apply them to algae for cooking.

sub program4-1
sub program4-2

5. Methods to send messages to the public:

Learn how to send messages to the public and those who are engaged in the maintenance of marine protected areas: establishment of a website on the conditions of implementation and status of their study, organization of symposiums and workshops to achieve mutual understanding between students/researchers and local people, market analysis and marketing research to promote the selling of algae products.

sub program5-1
sub program5-2



Credits necessary for graduation: 14 units, including

Compulsory Credits

(2 units each): 10 units

1. Socio-economic survey methods & Ecological and environmental survey methods (1. Socio-economic survey methods + 2. Ecological and environmental survey methods)

2. Analysis of function of biological resources (3. Analysis of function of algae on human health)

3. Processing and usage of biological resources (4. Development of algae food processing)

4. Special Exercise

5. DC seminar

Elective Credits

take 4 or more credits from 84 open credits
