(なかえ まさのり) 

2007年3月 理学研究科応用理学専攻博士後期課程海洋自然科学講座修了 博士(理学)
2007年4月〜2011年3月:国立科学博物館動物研究部 支援研究員
2011年4月〜2013年3月:国立科学博物館動物研究部 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD
2013年4月〜:国立科学博物館動物研究部 研究員

博士学位論文:Review of spino-occipital and spinal nerves in Tetraodontiformes, with special reference to pectoral and pelvic fin muscle innervation


修士論文:Ligaments, tendons and nerves: patterns in the heads of tetraodontiform fishes(フグ目魚類頭部における靭帯,腱および神経の様式)



Nakae M, Shionhara G, Miki K, Abe M, Sasaki K (2013) Lateral line system in Scomberomorus niphonius (Teleostei, Perciformes, Scombridae): recognition of 12 groups of superficial neuromasts in a rapidly-swimming species and a comment on function of highly branched lateral line canals. Bull Natl Mus Nat Sci, Ser A (Zool), 39(1): 39-49.

Nakae M, Katayama E, Asaoka R, Hirota M, Sasaki K (2012) Lateral line system in the triplefin Enneapterygius etheostomus (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae): new implications for taxonomic studies. Ichthyol Res. doi: 10.1007/s10228-012-0273-3

Nakae M, Asaoka R, Wada H, Sasaki K (2012) Fluorescent dye staining of neuromasts in live fishes: an aid to systematic studies. Ichthyol Res. doi: 10.1007/s10228-012-0274-2

Asaoka R, Nakae M, Sasaki K (2011) The innervation and adaptive significance of extensively distributed neuromasts in Glossogobius olivaceus (Perciformes: Gobiidae). Ichthyol Res. doi: 10.1007/s20339-011-0263-x

Abe Y, Asaoka R, Nakae M, Sasaki K (2011) Ambiguities in the identification of batoid lateral line systems clarified by innervation. Ichthyol Res. doi: 10.1007/s10228-011-0261-z

Nakae M, Sasaki K, Nakajima T, Miyazaki Y, Matsuura K (2011) Homologies of the branchial arch muscles in Zacco platypus (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae): evidence from innervation pattern. J Morph, 272: 503-512. * published on line in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/jmor.10930

Asaoka R, Nakae, M, Sasaki K (2011) Description and innervation of the lateral line system in two gobioids, Odontobutis obscura and Pterogobius elapoides (Teleostei: Perciformes)
Ichthyol Res, 58: 51-61.  

中江雅典・佐々木邦夫 (2010) 第1章 概説 9. 筋肉系.Pp. 44–45, 70. 木村清志,監修.新魚類解剖図鑑.緑書房,東京.

中江雅典・佐々木邦夫 (2010) 第1章 概説 11. 神経系.Pp. 58–59, 70. 木村清志,監修.新魚類解剖図鑑.緑書房,東京.

中江雅典・佐々木邦夫 (2010) 第1章 概説 13. 感覚器.Pp. 66–69, 70. 木村清志,監修.新魚類解剖図鑑.緑書房,東京.

Fukuda E, Nakae M, Asaoka R, Sasaki K (2010) Branching patterns of trunk lateral line nerves in Pleuronectiformes: uniformity and diversity. 
Ichthyol Res, 57: 148-160.

Nakae M, Sasaki K (2010) Lateral line system and its innervation in Tetraodontiformes with outgroup comparisons: descriptions and phylogenetic implications. 
J Morph, 271: 559-579.

Nakae M, Matsuura, K (2010) Glyptophidium effulgens Nielsen and Machida, 1988, a junior synonym of Glyptophidium argenteum Alcock, 1889 (Actinopterygii, Teleostei, Ophidiiformes). Bull Natl Mus Nat Sci, Ser A, 36(1): 243–248.

Yamanaka Y, Nakae M, Fukuda E, Sasaki K (2010) Monophyletic origin of the dorsally arched lateral line in Teleostei: evidence from nerve innervation patterns. Ichthyol Res, 57: 49-61.

Nakae M, Matsuura, K (2009) First records of two ophidiid fishes, Glyptophidium argenteum and G. lucidum, from Japan (Actinopterygii, Teleostei, Ophidiiformes). Bull Natl Mus Nat Sci, Ser A, 35(4): 243–248.

遠藤広光・片山英里・中江雅典(2009)Kamohara (1958) が“ベニアサヒギンポ”とした標本の再同定と高知県からのアサヒギンポの記録.魚類学雑誌,56(2): 184-186.

Matsuura K, Shinohara G, Nakae M. (2009) Historical fish specimens collected from the Tohoku District by the Saito Ho-on Kai Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Ser. A 35:9-54.

Nakae M, Sasaki K (2008) Branchial arch muscle innervation by the glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagal (X) nerves in Tetraodontiformes, with special reference to muscle homologies. J Morph, 269: 674-690.

Nakae M, Asai S, Sasaki K (2007) Review of spino-occipital and spinal nerves in Tetraodontiformes, with special reference to pectoral and pelvic fin muscle innervation. Ichthyol Res, 54: 333-349.

中江雅典・町田吉彦 (2007) 高知県初記録のイガグリフグ(フグ目ハリセンボン科).四国自然史科学研究,(4): 48-50.

Sasaki K, Takiuye K, Nakae M (2007) Homologies of cephalic lateral line canals in Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus and Engyprosopon grandisquama (Pleuronectiformes): innervation and upper eye floor formation. Ichthyol Res, 54: 186-192.

Nakae M, Asai S, Sasaki K (2006) The lateral line system and its innervation in Champsodon snyderi (Champsodontidae): distribution of approximately 1000 neuromasts. Ichthyol Res, 53: 209-215.

Nakae M, Sasaki K (2006) Peripheral nervous system of the ocean sunfish Mola mola (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyol Res, 53: 233-246. *日本魚類学会論文賞受賞

Nakae M, Sasaki K (2005) The lateral line system and its innervation in the boxfish Ostracion immaculatus (Tetraodontiformes: Ostraciidae): description and comparisons with other tetraodontiform and perciform conditions. Ichthyol Res, 52: 343-353.

Nakae M, Sasaki K (2004) Homology of the adductor mandibulae muscles in Tetraodontiformes as indicated by nerve branching pattern. Ichthyol Res, 51: 327-336.

Kai Y, Sato T, Nakae M, Nakabo T, Machida Y (2004) Genetic divergence between and within two color morphotypes of Parapercis sexfasciata (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae) from Tosa Bay, southern Japan.
Ichthyol Res, 51: 381-385.

Nakae M, Sasaki K (2002) A scale-eating triacanthodid, Macrorhamphosodes uradoi: prey fishes and mouth "handedness" (Tetraodontiformes, Triacanthoidei). Ichthyol Res, 49: 7-14.

2010年9月 日本魚類学会年会でのポスター発表(三重県津市)

北海道での採集 左はロシアの魚類学者ミーシャ・ナザルキンさん


「ハコフグの側線系 〜甲羅は刺激感知の邪魔?〜」
The lateral line system in boxfish Ostracion immaculatus (Tetraodontiformes, Ostraciidae)









