

Kochi University’s Policies on International Exchanges

Proclaimed by the Executive Committee on 12 April 2006

Kochi University aims to further collaboration in education and research with countries all over the world, including Asian countries, the Pacific area, and developing countries in particular. We aim to contribute to the development of global culture by promoting academic exchange programs and student exchange programs with universities around the world. To that end, we proclaim the following seven policies:

1. Enhancement of Quality along with Quantity

The past achievements of our international exchanges were assessed by the number. From now on, we will enhance not only the quantity but also the quality of exchanges, promote the support of overseas alumni and the establishment of alumni networks, and enhance multinational exchanges.

2. From Personal Exchanges to Organizational Exchanges

Our past departmental exchanges have been mainly supported by individual persons’ activities. Now the University will support them holistically with clear international aims.

3. From Dispersed Strategy to Holistic Strategy

The past international exchanges have been conducted separately in each department and section, such as international and research collaboration sections. Now we make the most out of our limited human resources by centralizing the support for the international activities to the International Relations Sections.

4. From Even Distribution to Selective Distribution

For international exchanges as in other matters, the past distribution of resources has been evenly made to all staff. Now we distribute them selectively according to our international strategies.

5. From Local to Global

We will learn the management systems of other universities, collaborate with universities of many countries, and improve our management and structure in order to facilitate international exchanges.

6. From Receptive to Reciprocal Exchanges

Currently the number of outgoing students from Kochi to overseas universities is still small. In order to help our students become more international, we will improve our environment to increase the number of students who will study abroad.

7. Empowering the Planning Ability of International Exchanges

In order to promote international exchanges, we will empower our planning ability, collaborate with international organizations, such as JICA, and obtain more financial resources for international exchanges.