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Visit the Global Connectivity and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of the IPB University, Indonesia / インドネシアボゴール大学国際連携部門および水産海洋学部への訪問


On Monday, August 28, 2023, Dr. Satoshi Kubota visited IPB University, where Dr. Charles Simanjuntak, a graduate of the Kuroshio Science Program, belongs. First, they visited Dr. Eva Anggrani, Director of Global Connectivity, who introduced the international cooperation in the Kuroshio area (Southeast and East Asia) that the Kuroshio Science Program is developing and discussed future cooperation with Kochi University, including the SUIJI Program. After that, he visited Dr. Fredinan Yulianda, Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, and Dr. Mala Nurilmala, Vice Dean of the Faculty, who gave them an overview of education and research and introduced the system and scholarship program for the graduate school of Kochi University.

2023年8月28日(月)に,黒潮圏総合科学専攻修了生のCharles Simanjuntak博士が所属するボゴール農科大学を訪問しました。まず,国際連携部門長のEva Anggrani博士を訪問し,黒潮圏総合科学専攻が展開している黒潮圏域の国際連携について紹介し,SUIJIプログラムを含めた高知大学との今後の連携について議論しました。その後,水産海洋学部の学部長Fredinan Yulianda博士,副学部長Mala Nurilmala博士を訪問し,教育や研究の概略を紹介いただくとともに,高知大学大学院の概要について紹介しました。

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Dr. Eva Anggrani, Director of Global Connectivity (left), Dr. Satoshi Kubota (right)
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Dr. Eva Anggrani, Director of Global Connectivity (left), Dr. Satoshi Kubota (right)
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Dr. Mala Nurilmala (Vice Dean For Resources, Collaboration and Development (left), Dr. Satoshi Kubota (right)
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Participants of the seminar