
トップページ ご 挨 拶 診  療 診断・治療 教職員紹介
教  育 研  究 業  績 前立腺癌検診 医局員募集
同 門 会 関連病院 リ ン ク ニュース
1999年 (12論文)
  1. Anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody C225 inhibits angiogenesis in human transitional cell carcinoma growing orthotopically in nude mice
    Paul Perrotte, Takashi Matsumoto, Keiji Inoue, Hiroki Kuniyasu, Beryl Y. Eve, Dan J., Hicklin, Robert Radinsky, and Colin P. N. Dinney.
    Clin Cancer Res. Feb;5(2):257-65, 1999

  2. Highly metastatic human prostate cancer growing within the prostate of athymic mice overexpresses vascular endothelial growth factor
    M.Derya Balbay, Cutis A. Pettaway, Keiji Inoue, Hiroki Kuniyasu, Edilberto Ramirez, Emily Li, Isaiah J. Fidler, and Colin P. N. Dinney.
    Clin Cancer Res. Apr;5(4):783-9, 1999

  3. Optimization of interferon-a for inhibition of angiogenesis
    Joel W. Slaton, Paul Perrotte, Keiji Inoue, Colin P.N. Dinney, and Isaiah J. Fidler.
    Clin Cancer Res. Oct;5(10):2726-34, 1999

  4. Nephrogenic adenoma of the bladder in a chronic hemodialysis patient
    Shingo Ashida, Akihiro Yamamoto, Natsuo Oka, Syusaku Masuda, Kenji Yuasa, Naotami, Terao, Tomoyuki Shiozu, Syoichiro Nakamura, and Jun Iwata.
    Int. J. Urol. 6: 208-210, 1999

  5. Direct Interaction of theβ-domain of VHL Tumor Suppressor Protein with the Regulatory Domain of Atypical PKC Isotypes
    Heiwa Okuda, Syuichi Hirai, Yasuyuki Takaki, Masayuki Kamada, Masaya Baba, Naoki Sakai, Takeshi Kishida, Shigeki Kaneko, Masahiro Yao, Shigeo Ohno, and Taro Shuin.
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 263, 491-497, 1999

  6. Human Mismatch Repair Gene (hMSH2) Product Expression in Relation to Reccurence of Transitional cell carcinoma of Urinary Bladder
    Tie-Xiong Jin, Mutsuo Furihata, Ichiro Yamasaki, Masayuki Kamada, Yuji Ohtsuki, Taro Shuin
    Cancer, vol 85, No2, 479-484, 1999

  7. 慢性透析患者に合併した大動脈瘤の3例
    透析会誌32, 8, 1143-1148, 1999

  8. 成人精巣腫瘍33例の臨床統計
    西日泌尿, 61, 4, 333-337, 1999

  9. 本邦最高齢と考えられる陰茎縫線嚢腫
    蘆田真吾,山本晶弘,岡 夏生,増田秀作,湯浅健司,寺尾尚民,降幡睦夫,大朏祐治
    西日泌尿. 61, 455-457, 1999

  10. 腎外傷の臨床的検討-損傷程度・合併症による治療方針の決定?
    西日泌尿. 61, 7, 564-568, 1999

  11. 腎放線菌症の1例
    西日泌尿. 61, 10, 749-752, 1999

  12. Germline and Somatic Mutations in von Hippel-Lindau Disease Gene and Its Significance in the Development of Kidney Cancer
    Shuin T, Kondo K, Ashida S, Okuda H, Yoshida M, Kanno H, Yao M
    Contribution of Nephrology (Basel) 128: 1-10, 1999
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Department of Urology, Kochi Medical School.