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教  育 研  究 業  績 前立腺癌検診 医局員募集
同 門 会 関連病院 リ ン ク ニュース

2006年 (17論文)

  1. Epigenetic inactivation of the candidate tumor suppressor gene HOXB13 in human renal cell carcinoma.
    Heiwa Okuda, Minoru Toyota, Waka Ishida, Mutsuo Furihata, Mutsumi Tsuchiya, Masayuki Kamada, Takashi Tokino and Taro Shuin
    Oncogene, 25: 1733-1742, 2006

  2. The Von Hippel Lindau tumor suppressor protein interaction with Protein Kinase C.
    Xavier Iturrioz, Joanne Durgan, Veronique Calleja, Banafshe Larijani, Heiwa Okuda, Richard Whelan and Peter J. Parker
    Biochemical Journal, 397(1): 109-120, 2006

  3. Von Hippel-Lindau Disease: Molecular pathological basis, clinical criteria, genetic testing, clinical features of tumors and treatment.
    Taro Shuin, Ichiro Yamasaki, Kenji Tamura, Heiwa Okuda, Mutsuo Furihata and Shingo Ashida
    Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36(6): 337-343, 2006

  4. Emergency Pancreatoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma in a Patient with von Hippel-Lindau Disease: A Case Report.
    Hiromichi Maeda, Takehiro Okabayashi, Michiya Kobayashi, Keijiro Araki, Takuhiro Kosaki, Isao Nishimori, Saburo Onishi, Satoshi Ito, Yasuhiro Ogawa, Heiwa Okuda and Taro Shuin
    Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 51(8): 1383-1387, 2006

  5. Expression of novel molecules, MICAL2-PV (MICAL2 prostate cancer variants), increases with high Gleason score and prostate cancer progression.
    Ashida S, Furihata M, Katagiri T, Tamura K, Anazawa Y, Yoshioka H, Miki T, Fujioka T, Shuin T, Nakamura Y, Nakagawa H
    Clin Cancer Res. 2006 May 1; 12(9): 2767-73

  6. Genome-wide gene expression profiles of clear cell renal cell carcinoma: identification of molecular targets for treatment of renal cell carcinoma.
    Hirota E, Yan L, Tsunoda T, Ashida S, Fujime M, Shuin T, Miki T, Nakamura Y, Katagiri T
    Int J Oncol. 2006 Oct; 29(4): 799-827

  7. Clinical characteristics of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in Japanese patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease.
    Yamasaki I, Nishimori I, Ashida S, Kohsaki T, Onishi S, Shuin T
    Pancreas. 2006 Nov; 33(4): 382-5

  8. 患部特定を目的とするニューラルネットワークを用いた医療画像診断システムの提案
    久保和也, 佐藤公信, 竹田史章, 井上啓史
    第50回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会公演論文集 pp.419-420 2006

  9. 上部尿路癌に対するBCG注入療法の経験
    辛島 尚、島本 力、庵地孝嗣、蘆田真吾、飯山達雄、笠原高太郎、山崎一郎、西川宏志、井上啓史、執印太郎
    西日泌尿 68 (1) 7-12 2006

  10. Conservative therapy by percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of renal cell carcinomas-therapeutic experiments of four patients with seven renal tumors.
    Karashima T, Inoue K, Shimamoto T, Yamasaki I, Kamada M, Shuin T
    Hinyokika Kiyo. 52 (4): 241-7, 2006

  11. 5-アミノレブリン酸(5-ALA)膀胱内注入による蛍光膀胱鏡を用いた膀胱癌の光力学的診断
    井上啓史、辛島 尚、鎌田雅行、執印太郎、倉林 睦、大朏祐治
    日泌総会誌 97巻5号 719-729 2006

  12. 高齢者進行前立腺癌の治療(総説). 特集; 高齢者前立腺癌の診断と治療
    泌尿器外科 Vol.19 No.12 2006

  13. 目からウロコ情報局 "清潔間欠自己導尿(CIC),どこまで消毒を指導していますか?"
    泌尿器科ケア 2006年6月号 2006 メディカ出版

  14. Validation study of the prediction system for clinical response of M-VAC neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
    Takata R, Katagiri T, Kanehira M, Shuin T, Miki T, Namiki M, Kohri K, Tsunoda T, Fujioka T, Nakamura Y
    Cancer Sci. 2006 Nov 15

  15. The distribution of myofibroblasts and CD34-positive stromal cells in normal renal pelvis and ureter and their cancers.
    Kuroda N, Shimasaki N, Miyazaki E, Hamauzu T, Toi M, Hiroi M, Shuin T, Enzan H
    Histol Histopathol. 2006, 21(12): 1303-7

  16. The distribution pattern of myofibroblasts in the stroma of human bladder carcinoma depends on their invasiveness.
    Shimasaki N, Kuroda N, Miyazaki E, Hayashi Y, Toi M, Hiroi M, Enzan H, Shuin T
    Histol Histopathol. 2006; 21(4): 349-53

  17. Frequent expression of neuroendocrine markers in mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma of the kidney.
    Kuroda N, Hes O, Miyazaki E, Shuin T, Enzan H
    Histol Histopathol. 2006; 21(1): 7-10
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Department of Urology, Kochi Medical School.