
トップページ ご 挨 拶 診  療 診断・治療 教職員紹介
教  育 研  究 業  績 前立腺癌検診 医局員募集
同 門 会 関連病院 リ ン ク ニュース

2008年 (16論文)

  1. T-even-related bacteriophages as candidates for treatment of Escherichia coli urinary tract infections
    Nishikawa H, Yasuda M, Uchiyama J, Rashel M, Maeda Y, Takemura I, Sugihara S, Ujihara T, Shimizu Y, Shuin T, Matsuzaki S
    Arch Virol. 153(3):507-15, 2008.

  2. Novel 5α-steroid reductase (SRD5A3, type-3) is overexpressed in hormone-refractory prostate cancer
    Uemura M, Tamura K, Suyoun Chung, Honma S, Okuyama A, Nakamura Y, Nakagawa H
    Cancer Sci 99(1):81-86, 2008.

  3. Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: useful diagnostic application of imprint cytology and fluorescence in situ hybridization of chromosomes 10 and 21 in twocases of typical and eosinophilic variants
    Kuroda N, Katto K, Yamaguchi T, Kawada T, Imamura Y, Hes O, Michal M, Shuin T, Lee GHMed
    Mol Morphol. 41(4):227-32, 2008.

  4. Expression of angiogenesis-related genes regulates different steps in the process of tumor growth and metastasis in human urothelial cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder
    Chikazawa M, Inoue K, Fukata S, Karashima T, Shuin T
    Pathobiology. 75(6):335-45, 2008
  5. .
  6. Spinal cord hemangioblastomas in von Hippel-Lindau disease
    Kanno H, Yamamoto I, Nishikawa R, Matsutani M, Wakabayashi T, Yoshida J, Shitara N, Yamasaki I, Shuin T
    Spinal Cord. 2008 Nov 25. [Epub ahead of print]

  7. Acute inactivation of the VHL gene contributes to protective effects of ischemic preconditioning in the mouse kidney
    Iguchi M, Kakinuma Y, Kurabayashi A, Sato T, Shuin T, Hong SB, Schmidt LS, Furihata M
    Nephron Exp Nephrol. 110(3):e82-90, 2008.

  8. Sarcomatoid acquired cystic disease-associated renal cell carcinoma
    Kuroda N, Tamura M, Taguchi T, Tominaga A, Hes O, Michal M, Ohara M, Hirouchi T, Mizuno K, Hayashi Y, Shuin T, Lee GH
    Histol Histopathol. 23(11):1327-31, 2008.

  9. Promoter methylation of the bone morphogenetic protein-6 gene in association with adult T-cell leukemia
    Taniguchi A, Nemoto Y, Yokoyama A, Kotani N, Imai S, Shuin T, Daibata M
    Int J Cancer. 123(8):1824-31, 2008.

  10. Prospective study of combined treatment with interferon-alpha and active vitamin D3 for Japanese patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
    Obara W, Mizutani Y, Oyama C, Akaza H, Ishii N, Kohri K, Namiki M, Okuyama A, Shima H, Yokoyama M, Shuin T, Miki T, Watanabe Y, Fujioka T
    Int J Urol. 15(9):794-9, 2008.

  11. 光力学的診断を併用した経尿道的膀胱腫瘍切除術
    特集3:連載 "エキスパートが示す内視鏡手術のコツ" 〜VI. "TUR-P" "TUR-Bt"〜
    JJEE 21, 323-331, 2008.

  12. 特集「尿路上皮癌の診断と治療Update」Clinical Science 蛍光膀胱鏡による膀胱癌診断
    Urological View vol.6 No.1, 2008.

  13. 膀胱癌の光力学的診断
    会報「こうち」総説, vol.37, no2, 67-71, 2008.

  14. 蛍光膀胱鏡による膀胱癌診断
    日本レーザー医学会雑誌 29(2),147-152, 2008.

  15. 特集「リンパ節郭清術を検証する」
    Clinical Science リンパ節転移の分子メカニズム
    Urological View vol.6 No.3 (2008年5月20日発行号)

  16. 第V部 がんの分子標的治療薬のトランスレーショナルレサーチ
    がんの分子標的治療 南山堂 鶴尾隆編
    50 前立腺がん; 409-414

  17. 特集 知っておきたい泌尿器科領域における染色体異常,遺伝子異常のすべて
    悪性疾患と染色体異常・遺伝子異常 腎細胞癌
    Urology View Vol.6 No.5 34-40, 2008.
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Department of Urology, Kochi Medical School.