
トップページ ご 挨 拶 診  療 診断・治療 教職員紹介
教  育 研  究 業  績 前立腺癌検診 医局員募集
同 門 会 関連病院 リ ン ク ニュース

2012年 (23論文)

  1. 【Roundtable Discussion】前立腺肥大症の治療戦略の再構築

    筧 善行、谷村正信、福森知治、柳原 豊
    泌尿器外科 Vol.25 No.3 , pp331-337.

  2. Comparison between Intravesical and Oral Administration of 5-aminolevulinic Acid in the Clinical Benefit of Photodynamic Diagnosis for Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer.
    Inoue K, Fukuhara H, Shimamoto T, Kamada M, Iiyama T, Miyamura M, Kurabayashi A, Furihata M, Tanimura M, Watanabe H, Shuin T
    Cancer 118(4):1062-1074, 2012.

  3. Overexpression of p53 protein in human tumors.
    Inoue K, Kurabayashi A, Shuin T, Ohtsuki Y, Furihata M
    Medical Molecular Morphology 45(3),115-123, 2012.

  4. Mitochondrial localization of ABC transporter ABCG2 and its function in 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated protoporphyrin IX accumulation.
    Kobuchi H, Moriya K, Ogino T, Fujita H, Inoue K, Shuin T,Yasuda T, Utsumi K, Utsumi T
    PLoS ONE 7(11), e50082, 2012.

  5. Metabonomic study on the biochemical profiles of odor elements in urine of human with bladder cancer.
    Jobu K, Sun C, Yoshioka S, Yokota J, Onogawa M, Kawada C, Inoue K, Shuin T, Sendo T, Miyamura M
    Biol Pharm Bull 35(4):639-42, 2012.

  6. Review of renal carcinoma associated with Xp11.2 tranwslocations/TFE3 gene fusion with focus on pathobiological aspects.
    Kuroda N, Mikami S, Pan C-C, Cohen RJ, Hes O, Michal M, Nagashima Y, Tanaka Y, Inoue K, Shuin T, Lee G-H
    Histology and Histopathology 27(2):133-140, 2012.

  7. Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma with focus on clinical and pathobiological aspects.
    Kuroda N, Ohe C, Mikami S, Inoue K, Nagashima Y, Cohen RJ, Pan C-C, Michal M, Hes O
    Histol Histopathol 27:969-974, 2012.

  8. Review of renal oncocytosis (multiple oncocytic lesions) with focus on clinical and pathobiological aspects.
    Kuroda N, Ohe C, Mikami S, Nagashima Y, Sasaki T, Inoue K, Hes O, Michal M, Brunelli M, Martignoni G
    Histology and Histopathology 27:1407-1412, 2012.

  9. 泌尿器科領域における光力学技術の効用
    Medical Photonics 10 31-39, 2012.

  10. Integrated analysis reveals critical genomic regions in prostate tumor microenvironment associated with clinicopathologic phenotypes
    Ashida S, Orloff MS, Bebek G, Zhang L, Zheng P, Peehl DM, Eng C
    Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Mar 15;18(6):1578-87.

  11. 遺伝性腎癌
    日本腎泌尿器疾患予防医学研究会誌. 2012 Mar:20(1):26-31.

  12. SNRPE is involved in cell proliferation and progression of high-grade prostate cancer through the regulation of androgen receptor expression.
    Anchi T, Tamura K, Furihata M, Satake H, Sakoda H, Kawada C, Kamei M, Shimamoto T, Fukuhara H, Ashida S, Karashima T, Yamasaki I, Yasuda M, Kamada M, Inoue K, Shuin T
    Oncol Lett. 2012 Feb;3(2):264-268.

  13. The clinical value of 3 tesla diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.
    Shimamoto T, Ashida S, Yamasaki I, Kuno T, Fukuhara H, Fukata S, Satake H, Tamura K, Karashima T, Kamata M, Inoue K, Shuin T, Kariya S, Ogawa Y
    Hinyokika Kiyo. 2012 Mar;58(3):143-8.

  14. The current clinical status of kidney cancers in patients with the VHL disease in Japan: a nationwide epidemiological survey.
    Shuin T, Shinohara N, Yao M, Yamasaki I, Tamura K, Kamada M
    Nihon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi. 2012 May;103(3):552-6.

  15. Clinical status of Von Hippel-Lindau disease associated pheochromocytoma in japan: a national epidemiologic survey.
    Shuin T, Yao M, Shinohara N, Yamasaki I, Tamura K
    Nihon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi. 2012 May;103(3):557-61.

  16. 腎癌の発生と進展に関わる遺伝子機構
    Phama Media. 2012 Aug:30(8):9-15.

  17. 腎腫瘍に対する経皮的ラジオ波焼灼術の経験
    福原秀雄、井上啓史、辛島 尚、執印太郎
    Journal of Microwave Surgery 30: 247-251, 2012.

  18. 根治的前立腺全摘術の外科的切除断端における残存癌検出を目指した術中光力学診断の有用性の検討
    福原秀雄、井上啓史、佐竹宏文、田村賢司、辛島 尚、山崎一郎、執印太郎、倉林 睦、降幡睦夫、熊谷直子、飯山達雄
    Japanese Journal of Endourology 25:173-178, 2012.

  19. Comparison between Intravesical and Oral Administration of 5-aminolevulinic Acid in the Clinical Benefit of Photodynamic Diagnosis for Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer.
    Inoue K, Fukuhara H, Shimamoto T, Kamada M, Iiyama T, Miyamura M, Kurabayashi A, Furihata M, Tanimura M, Watanabe H, Shuin T
    Cancer 118(4):1062-1074, 2012.

  20. 精巣炎・精巣上体炎

  21. 前立腺癌診断における 3 tesla MRIの有用性
    島本 力、蘆田真吾、山崎一郎、久野貴平、福原秀雄、深田 聡、佐竹宏文、田村賢二、辛島 尚、鎌田雅行、井上啓史、執印太郎、刈谷真爾、小川恭弘
    泌尿器科紀要58:143-148, 2012.

  22. cT3前立腺癌に対する外照射併用Ir-192高線量率組織内照射療法の治療成績
    島本 力、山崎一郎、蘆田真吾、田村賢二、亀井麻依子、庵地孝嗣、福原秀雄、佐竹宏文、田村賢二、西川宏志、井上啓史、執印太郎、刈谷真爾、小川恭弘
    泌尿器外科25(8):1683-1684, 2012.

  23. SNRPE is involved in cell proliferation and progression of high-grade prostate cancer through the regulation of androgen receptor expression.
    Anchi T, Tamura K, Furihata M, Satake H, Sakoda H, Kawada C, Kamei M, Shimamoto T, Fukuhara H, Fukata S, Ashida S, Karashima T, Yamasaki I, Yasuda M, Kamada M, Inoue K, Shuin T
    Oncol Lett. 2012 Feb;3(2):264-268.

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Department of Urology, Kochi Medical School.