ニュース センター紹介 メンバー一覧 研究活動 共同利用 主要研究設備 セミナー・シンポジウム
2010 Kochi International Workshop on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism
- Asian Monsoon and Global Climate Change
February 4-5, 2010

Convenor (主催者)

Prof. Kodama, K. (小玉 一人)

Correspondence (統括役)

Dr. Yamamoto, Y. (山本 裕二)
Center for Advanced Marine Core Research (KCC), Kochi University
Monobe B-200, Nankoku City, Kochi 783-8502, Japan

Scope (趣旨)

The principal subject of the Kochi international workshop in 2010 follows those of previous meeting: to discuss and review the latest scientific achievements in paleomagnetism and rock magnetism, as well as their applications to environmental change, as conducted by the Asian Earth science community. To develop this fundamental concept, the 2010 workshop will be more focused on a discussion of the implementation of international collaboration, whereby the combined efforts can help to illustrate and unravel key issues, such as the linkage of the Asian Monsoon and global climate change. We will invite participants from leading institutes and universities in Asia, with which KCC has concluded agreements to advance scientific collaboration. We hope that the results of this workshop will help develop individuals, groups and institutions in Asian countries, and to aid the commencement, planning and organization of integrated research projects in paleomagnetism and rock magnetism, with the eventual goal to take initiatives and play leading roles in global environmental sciences.

Date and venue (日程および開催場所)

The workshop will take place over two days: February 4 and 5 in 2010. The meeting is to be held at Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University, which is located in Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture in Shikoku Island of southwest Japan.

Fees (参加費)

All fees, including international travel costs and accommodations, will be fully covered for invited participants. No registration fee is posed. No financial support will be provided for accompanying person(s)

Thursday February 4

09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-09:45 Welcome and Logistics

Kochi Core Center and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)


IODP Core curation at Kochi Core Center, Japan
Lallan P. GUPTA*

Asian Monsoon and Global Climate Change - Keynote Presentation (I)


Millennial-scale oscillations in westerly jet path and their linkage with East Asian monsoon
Kana NAGASHIMA*, Ryuji TADA, Yuko ISOZAKI, Shin TOYODA, Atsushi TANI, and Youbin SUN

Asian Monsoon and Global Climate Change - Thematic Presentations (I)


Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Contamination in Soils and Sediments Using Environmental Magnetic Methods
Moti Lal RIJAL*, Katharina PORSCH, Erwin APPEL, Andreas KAPPLER

A Pilot Rock Magnetic Study of Siwalik Paleosols: a New Approach to the Development of a Proxy for Moisture Availability in Ancient Subtropical Soils
Alexandra ABRAJEVITCH*, Kazuto KODAMA, Anna K. BEHRENSMEYER, and Catherine BADGLEY

Time-dependent accumulation of anthropogenic particulates forced by Chinese wind-blown dust
Wonnyon KIM*, Barbara A. MAHER, Seong-Jae DOH, and Yongjae YU

Visualization of Paleomagnetism


Introduction of MAGE Project

12:00-13:00 Lunch

Asian Monsoon and Global Climate Change - Keynote Presentations (II)


Aeolian Dust: Emission, Transport, and Deposition Processes and its Interaction with the Atmosphere and the Climate System

Asian Monsoon and Global Climate Change - Thematic Presentations (II)


Magnetism Study of Lake Qinghai 1F core,China
Li AI*, Xiaoke QIANG, Yougui SONG, and Zhisheng AN

The Late Oligocene Magnetostratigraphic Record from Western Loess Plateau and Initial Aridity of Inner Asia
Xiaoke QIANG*, Zhisheng, AN, Jibao DONG, Fengyan LU, Hong CHANG, Yougui SONG, and Li AI


Environmental Magnetic Study on Lake Sediment Core DH-7B of Ta-Hu Lake, Ilan, northeastern Taiwan
The-Quei LEE* and Tien-Nan YANG

Environmental Magnetic Record of the East Asian Monsoon from Lake Biwa Sediments
Akira HAYASHIDA*, Hiroyuki KITAGAWA, Masahiko YASUDA, Tomohiro YAMAMOTO, and Keiji TAKEMURA

How does Chinese loess become magnetized?
Xiang ZHAO* and Andrew P. Roberts

Magnetic Mineralogy of the Highly Weathered Xiashu Loess in Southern China
Koji FUKUMA*, Yohei TAKASE, Kenji ASAI, and Akira HAYASHIDA

Paleo-, Rock and Environmental Magnetism - Poster Presentations


P-01. Archeointensity Variation in Japan Back to the 13th Century Obtained From Pottery Sherds
Masahiro OOGA*, Koji FUKUMA, Keita NAKAYA, and Kunihiko WAKABAYASHI

P-02. Paleomagnetism of early Miocene sediments in central Honshu, Japan: implications for the formation of curvature of the Median Tectonic Lin
Hiroyuki HOSHI*

P-03. Wavelet Analyses of Geomagnetic Record at IODP Site U1314 in the North Atlantic
Meng ZHAO* and Masao OHNO

P-04. Sedimentary Record of Geomagnetic Polarity Excursions in Piston-Core Samples from Lake Biwa
Masahiko YASUDA*, Tomohiro YAMAMOTO*, and Akira HAYASHIDA

P-05. Influence of coring method on anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS): Comparison of gravity and piston cores from the central Sea of Okhotsk
Takaya SHIMONO* and Toshitsugu YAMAZAKI

P-06. Transformation Remanent Magnetization due to the Verwey Transition of Magnetite
Masahiko SATO*, Nobutatsu MOCHIZUKI, and Hideo TSUNAKAWA

18:30-21:00 Banquet

Friday February 5
Paleo-, Rock and Environmental Magnetism - Thematic Presentations


Magnetic Properties of Sedimentary Greigite (Fe3S4): An update
Andrew P. ROBERTS, Liao CHANG*, Christopher J. ROWAN, Chorng-Shern HORNG, and Fabio FLORINDO

Rock Magnetic Identification of Magnetic Minerals in Widespread Tephra Layers in Quaternary Sediments of Japan
Masayuki TORII*

Rockmagnetism of ferromanganese crust
Hirokuni ODA*, Isoji MIYAGI, Yuhji YAMAMOTO, Akira USUI, and Yoshitaka HASHIMOTO

Magnetic Petrology of Clastogenic Lava of Izu-Oshima Volcano, Japan
Takeshi SAITO* and Minori TANABE


Characteristics of the quasi-cyclicity of drilling-induced remanent magnetization (DIRM)
Youn Soo LEE*

Philippine Sea Plate motion since Eocene estimated from paleomagnetism of seafloor drill cores and gravity cores
Toshitsugu YAMAZAKI*, Masaki TAKAHASHI, Yasufumi IRYU, Tokiyuki SATO, Motoyoshi ODA, Hideko TAKAYANAGI, Shun CHIYONOBU, Akira NISHIMURA, Tsutomu NAKAZAWA, and Takashi OOKA

Magnetostratigraphy of Neogene sediments from the Suerkuli Basin and evolution of the Altyn Tagh Fault
Hong CHANG*, Junsheng NIE, Zisheng AN, and Xiaomin FANG

Geomagnetic paleointensity deduced for the last 300 kyr from Unzen Volcano, Japan, and the dipolar nature of the Iceland Basin excursion
Yuhji YAMAMOTO*, Hidetoshi SHIBUYA, Hidefumi TANAKA, and Hideo HOSHIZUMI

12:00-13:30 Lunch and Core time for Poster Presentations

13:30-14:30 Discussions and Concluding Remarks