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Received "Paper Award" from the French-Japanese Society of Oceanography (Mr. Sota Kirihara). / 日仏海洋学会「論文賞」受賞(桐原聡太)

公開日 2022年6月21日

Mr. Sota Kirihara (supervisor: Gyo Itani), a graduate of Kuroshio Science Program(FY2020), received the "Best Paper Award" at the French-Japanese Society of Oceanography.


対象論文:「テッポウエビの巣穴口周辺における条件的共生を行うハゼの行動観察」(Sota Kirihara, Yumi Henmi and Gyo Itani (2020) Behavioral observation of a facultatively symbiotic goby at a shrimp burrow entrance. La mer, 58: 115-123. DOI:https://doi.org/10.32211/lamer.58.3-4_115