Joint Usage/Research Center for Drilling Earth Science

Marine Core Research Institute, Kochi University



Research - Education



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Research - Education


Research Overview

Research Projects

Research Projects (2015~)

Research Highlights


Research Overview

At the CMCR, we aim to understand the Earth system through multidisciplinary approaches using geological and biological samples such as marine sediments. We promote scientific projects such as IODP (International Ocean Discovery Program) expedition proposals, investigations on formation mechanisms of marine mineral resources, and interdisciplinary research on marine life and derived natural compounds.


Research Projects

Big Data Project

Our Big Data project, which aims to understand climate and biological mechanisms in relation to global warming, by analyzing paleoceanographic cores and biological samples, consists of three main components: data correlation by chronostratigraphic big-data assimilation to characterize late Cenozoic warming episodes, paleo-proxy data mapping in the Northwest Pacific, and survival strategy of microplankton under global warming. To this end, we have created an academically oriented core repository in the CMCR, which will be open soon to the scientific community.

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Earth Exploration

This three-part project, which aims to establish a framework for promotion of the Earth sciences, is a follow-up of two previous Kochi University projects: “Integrated research on Earth environment, Earth dynamics, and deep subseafloor biosphere by using drill cores” (2004-2009) and “Earth environmental system” (2010-2015).

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4D Kuroshio Project

The Kuroshio current is the western-boundary current of the North Pacific Gyre. Our goal of for the so-called “4D Kuroshio project” is to innovate and reinvigorate marine resources science to accomplish sustainable development of underutilized natural resources within the Kuroshio region, while also establishing educational means of promoting sustainability. We aim to understand spatial and temporal variations of potential marine resources, (such as marine mineral, microbial, and deep-water) along with environmental change in the Kuroshio region. These variations we see as having four dimensions: changes in coastal -to -offshore area crossing the Kuroshio current (1st dimension), variations in the Kuroshio pathway (2nd dimension), evolving vertical water profiles (3rd dimension), and temporal changes from past to present (4th dimension).
Of the 12 major policies in the Marine Basic Plan of Japan, Kochi University has chosen to specialize in promoting development and use of marine resources, marine environment conservation, comprehensive management of coastal areas, and promotion of research and education, focusing on the four dimensions above to reach a better understanding while also promoting resource development.

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Past Projects

Kochi University research project on “Earth environmental system” (2010-2015)

●Paleoceanographic changes in the Kuroshio current in the NW Pacific

●Kochi University research project on “Integrated research on Earth environment, Earth dynamics and deep subseafloor biosphere by using drill cores” (until 2009)


Research Projects (2015~)

JSPS Scientific Research Grants (PI)

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative areas
(Research in a proposed research area)

Paleoclimate dynamics of the Southern Ocean
Years of funding:2017-2022
Principal Investigator:Minoru Ikehara

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

Estimation of historical record of Nankai Earthquake from the tradition of the submerged village "Kuroda-gori"
Years of funding:2016-2019
Principal Investigator:Hidekazu Tokuyama
Co-investigator in CMCR:Yuhji Yamamoto、Masafumi Murayama

Investigating long-term variation in intensity of the paleomagnetic field during a period of low reversal frequency - new constraint on the outer core process
Years of funding:2016-2020
Principal Investigator:Yuhji Yamamoto

Molecular mechanisms of foraminiferal biomineralization –Open a black box of calcification–
Years of funding:2017-2020
Principal Investigator:Yurika Ujiie

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

Understanding magnetic mineral diagenesis in the methane-rich sediments from Nankai Trough
Years of funding:2017-2021
Principal Investigator:Myriam Kars

Geoscientific consideration of marine manganese crusts and nodules on global to nano-scales
Years of funding:2016-2019
Principal Investigator:Akira Usui

Variation of Mg/Ca ration in pentaliths of B. bigelowii
Years of funding:2017-2020
Principal Investigator:Kyoko Hagino

Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

Investigation of new samples for paleomagnetic field strength research: volcanic glass in marine sediments
Years of funding:2015-2019
Principal Investigator:Yuhji Yamamoto
Co-investigator in CMCR:Masafumi Murayama

Challenging Research (Exploratory)

Natural remanent magnetization carried by magnetotactic bacteria - assessing reliability of paleomagnetic record from analog experiments and analyses of natural samples
Years of funding:2018-2021
Principal Investigator:Yuhji Yamamoto

Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))

Paleomagnetic study on the lava sequences of Iceland to examine the relation between geomagnetic reversal frequency and strength of the geomagnetic field
Years of funding:2019-2025
Principal Investigator:Yuhji Yamamoto

JSPS Scientific Research Grants (collaboration)

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

Comprehensive, spatiotemporal study and applied research of carboxydotrophs
Years of funding:2016-2021
Principal Investigator:Yoshihiko Sako (Kyoto University)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Naoto Yasuda

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative areas (Research in a proposed research area)

Giant reservoirs of heat/water/material : Global environmental changes driven by Southern Ocean and Antarctic Ice Sheet
Years of funding:2017-2022
Principal Investigator:Kenji Kawamura (National Institute of Polar Research)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Minoru Ikehara

Seismic and geo-electromagnetic observations of core and mantle
Years of funding:2015-2020
Principal Investigator:Satoru Tanaka (JAMSTEC)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Yuhji Yamamoto

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

Reconstruction of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation during the last 8000 years by the analysis of Beppu Bay sediment cores
Years of funding:2016-2019
Principal Investigator:Masanobu Yamamoto (Hokkaido University)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Minoru Ikehara

Study on long-term geomagnetic field variations during the last 10 million years
Years of funding:2016-2019
Principal Investigator:Toshitsugu Yamazaki (The University of Tokyo)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Yuhji Yamamoto

Years of funding:2016-2019
Principal Investigator:Masao Ohno (Kyushu University)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Yuhji Yamamoto

Centennial to millennial-scale variability of East Asian Monsoon: Onset timing, temporal changes, and their controlling factors
Years of funding:2016-2019
Principal Investigator:Ryuji Tada (The University of Tokyo)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Masafumi Murayama

Years of funding:2017-2021
Principal Investigator:Osamu Seki (Hokkaido University)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Minoru Ikehara

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

Pacific meridional overturning circulation since the last glaciation
Years of funding:2016-2019
Principal Investigator:Yusuke Okazaki (Kyushu University)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Minoru Ikehara

Evolution process of microbes in subseafloor
Years of funding:2017-2020
Principal Investigator:Tatsuhiko Hoshino (JAMSTEC)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Go-ichiro Uramoto

Reactivity of organic carbon on earth surface: an examination of common mechnisms between soils and sediments(Fostering Joint International Research)
Years of funding:2016-2018
Principal Investigator:Rota Wagai (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Go-ichiro Uramoto

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

Molecular clock estimation based on big gene-data –Unveiling the origin and early evolution of eukaryote–
Years of funding:2018-2021
Principal Investigator:ISHITANI, Yoshiyuki (Center for Computational Sciences, Tsukuba University)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Yurika Ujiie

Years of funding:2018-2021
Principal Investigator:Shigeyuki Wakaki (JAMSTEC)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Hitomi Wakaki

Reconstruction of the past ocean circulation using ferromanganese crust samples collected from a seamount
Years of funding:2018-2021
Principal Investigator:Hiroshi Amakawa (JAMSTEC)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Akira Usui

Years of funding:2018-2021
Principal Investigator:Shinichi Kamikuri (Ibaraki University)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Masao Iwai

Years of funding:2019-2022
Principal Investigator:Yugo Nakamura (Kochi University)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Masao Iwai

Challenging Research (Exploratory)

Years of funding:2017-2018年度
Principal Investigator:Takayuki Ushikubo (Kochi Institute for Core Sampe Research, JAMSTEC)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Minoru Ikehara

Investigation of birth and evolutional history of photosynthetic organism by biomarker imaging of Achaean rocks
Years of funding:2018-2020
Principal Investigator:Akira Ijiri (JAMSTEC)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Tomoyo Okumura

Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))

Years of funding:2019-2020
Principal Investigator:Fumio Inagaki (JAMSTEC)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Go-ichiro Uramoto

Understanding of causal relationship between extreme climate and animal evolution in the Ediacaran ocean
Years of funding:2018-2022
Principal Investigator:Akihiro Kano (The University of Tokyo)
Co-investigator in CMCR:Tomoyo Okumura


Research Highlights

Research paper by a group of 10 scientists including CMCR members Prof. Minoru Ikehara and Dr. Hiroki Matsui. Paper published in “Newsletters on Stratigraphy” on 20 September 2019.

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Research paper by Dr. Go-ichiro Uramoto published in “Nature Communications” in 2019

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International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 379 “Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History” (18 January – 20 March 2019)

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