Neurology/Psychiatry in Child and Adolescence Course

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  5. Neurology/Psychiatry in Child and Adolescence Course


Recently, Developmental Disorders is regarded to be fundamental part of difficulties of adaptation in various stages in development and psychiatric issues in narrow sense, and it is internationally confirmed that early detection and early diagnosis of cases with risks is crucial. As well as Developmental Disorders, Intellectual Disorder including boundary areas, Behavioral Phenotypic Syndrome caused by chromosomal abnormality, Epilepsy Syndrome and Tic Syndrome are regarded as crucial psychiatric issues. In addition, the number of cases of psychological issues among children in regards to Eating Disorder, Anxiety Disorder and Child Abuse has increased year by year, and therefore there has been higher demand on professional care for those issues.

Neurology/Psychiatry in Child and Adolescence Course aims to train knowledge and ability listed below with targeting above mentioned diseases and disorders related to neurology/psychiatry in child and adolescence.

  1. Wider range of knowledge about epidemiology, pathology, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation
  2. Appropriate technique and attitude throughout professional diagnosis
  3. Capability to conduct research on unsolved issues

The course will then grow human resources who can address social issues relating to wide range of areas that disorders such as Developmental Disorder cause, by such training on capability of research supervising mentioned above. The course is partially provided by collaboration of Prof. Christopher Gillberg of University of Gothenburg and Prof. Nobumasa KATO of School of Medicine, Showa University.

  • We will grow human resources who can diagnose diseases and disorders relating to neurology/psychiatry in child and adolescence with aspect of neurology in child and psychiatry in adolescence, and biological, psychological and social aspect.
  • We will grow human resources who do not only have view of medicine, but also have view of education and welfare, and can demonstrate specialty in collaborating and cooperating with other occupations.
  • We will grow human resources who can conduct research rooted in and returning to community at international perspective.

Admission Policy

We hope to enroll those who graduated from medical school of university (including graduate students completing master’s course of medical graduate school) or have been granted master’s diploma by conducting research about Developmental Disorders at non-medical graduate school, and those who are eager for the following thing.

  1. Those who are eager to acquire specialty of pediatric medicine or psychiatric medicine in adolescence and tolearn and experience Developmental Disorders much deeper
  2. Those who consider career path with having child welfare and governmental services across boundary surround clinical environment at hospital as career of pediatric doctor or doctor of psychiatric medicine in adolescence
  3. Those wo are willing to practice or study research about neurology/psychiatry in child and adolescence with international prospect
  4. Those who are interested in research about development from clinical view

Supervisors for Research and Main Theme of Research

Supervisors for Research Department Main Theme of Research Humanities Sciences
FUJIEDA Mikiya Pediatrics Early detection and early treatment of developmental disorders and learning disorder in child, diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders among patients with epilepsy syndrome, adjustment in societal and environmental factors surrounding patients by collaboration among variety of medical personnel