  • TOP
  • Day of outpatient visit

Day of outpatient visit

■ Reception

8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

  • New patients (patients attending their first consultation at this hospital)
  • Patients attending a department for the first time.
  • Patients whose last consultation took place more than three month's (one month in the case of the dentistry and oral surgery department) previously (excluding patients with appointments)

10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

  • Patients without an appointment whose last consultation took place less than three month's previously (one month in the case of the dentistry and oral surgery department)
Services Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Endocrinology and Diabetology
Nephrology and Rheumatology
Respiratory Medicine and Allergology
Cardiovascular Medicine
Medical Oncology
Diabetes Center
Rhematoid Arthritis Center
Center for Intractable Immune Disease
Child Mental Health and Development Department
A letter of introduction from a pediatrician or psychiatrist (child psychiatrist) in Kochi is required.

A letter of introduction from a pediatrician or psychiatrist (child psychiatrist) in Kochi is required.
Diagnostic Radiology

Interventinal Radiology Center

Radiation Oncology


surgery Hepato-Gastroenterological Surgery
Pediatric Surgery

Clinical Oncology and Endoscopic Surgery
Breast and Endocrinological Surgery
Breast Center
Cardiovascular Surgery
General Thoracic Surgery
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pelvic Floor Center
(a.m.)Outpatients with urinary incontinence

(a.m.)Outpatients with pelvic organ prolapse only

(a.m.)Outpatients with urinary incontinence Outpatients with faecal incontinence (1st, 3rd, 5th weeks)
Center for Photodynamic Midicine
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Orthopedic Surgery
Spine Center
Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Stroke Center
Dentistry , Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Diaghostic Pathology




Palliative Medicine
Clinical Infection Diseases
Department of General Medicine
Clinical Genetics Depertment

■ Key to symbols (First visit)

▲: Reservation procedure from another medical institution is required
○: Referral letter required
◎: A letter of introduction is required in principle, but you can get a medical examination if you pay the selected medical treatment fee.

■ The hospital is closed on the following days.

Saturday, Sunday, holidays, New Year holidays

■ Telephone

Switchboard: 088-866-5811

■ Reception

8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

  • New patients (patients attending their first consultation at this hospital)
  • Patients attending a department for the first time.
  • Patients whose last consultation took place more than three month's (one month in the case of the dentistry and oral surgery department) previously (excluding patients with appointments)

10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

  • Patients without an appointment whose last consultation took place less than three month's previously (one month in the case of the dentistry and oral surgery department)